Tuesday, February 11, 2025

No one is getting kicked out.

 1. Attendance

I am currently on hold with our elementary school.  I just received an email regarding Jack's attendance.  I just received a letter stating that he has too many absences and he is only allowed 10 in a school year.  My specific question - what happens after 10?  Does he get kicked out of school?  Just seems like a strange rule...though I understand that there are lots of kids who fall through the cracks.  Ironically, I want his butt to be in school.  He's just sick. A LOT.  He was diagnosed with pneumonia again this past week. 

I received the email for Owen too.  

2. Successful surgery

We are almost 1 week out from surgery, and I am glad to have that first week behind us.  Right now we are struggling with geometry and getting caught up on schoolwork more than pain and suffering.  I have spent a ton of time again with Owen in the car and waiting on appointments.  We both commented on how his injuries put us together more.  Personally - I love the time.  I wish it was under different circumstances, but I have loved spending this time with him.  For 48 hours we were just together.  Napping, icing his shoulder, and figuring it out.   It really made me stop and think how much I just like him as a person.  Not just the love that I have for him as my son.  

    He has to wear this brace for 6 weeks.  It's a PAIN but he is doing great.  Last night I thought that he was going to break.  Everything felt overwhelming.  It's such a strange phase in parenting that you step back, and your son just has to figure it out.  It's painful - you just want to save them.

3. Jack turned 10

Jack is officially in double digits.  The Saturday before his birthday we celebrated at the Escape Room.  He had 8 friends, and it was insane.  Elementary school teachers are the truly the best and who should make this list every week.  He received a TON of money which immediately went to his debt checklist.  Now I have a ton of cash like I am the 10 year old.  

4. Super Bowl Party
For the past few years, we have done the Super Bowl with the Redman's.  Per usual, the food, drinks, and company were easy and comfortable.  

5. Audible & Libby

If I had to choose, it would ABSOLUTELY be Libby but I do think Audible needs a quick shout out.  I listen to so many books when I am not at work.  They make time pass as I get lost into a story while cleaning the house or folding laundry.  Thank you, Libby, for the ability to listen to so many books for free.

Wednesday, January 29, 2025

the normal

1. Heather
This is the most recent picture at Heather's house...though I do have one from last night of the boys at Top Golf... but this will have to do.  

I am so grateful for my friendship with Heather.  Over the past few years we have done a lot of life together.  I feel like I can truly be my full self and tell her the things going through my head... even the embarrassing, ugly, and TOUGH stuff.  She is honest, tells me things I need, and celebrates me on even the smallest victories.  I am so grateful to have her as my friend.

2. Driving Lessons
The twins had their first driving lesson on Saturday afternoon.  Cameron and Mike headed to the high school while Owen and I started at the elementary parking lot.  Then we switched.  They both drove the mile home on the road.  The next day while driving home from practice they both asked to drive home again.  Since they don't have a permit or insurance it was not happening....but still...they were excited!  This is going to be a long adventure.  Since Owen is having his surgery I have a feeling Cameron will get in a ton of time early.

3. Quick Trip
Last week I had no plans and Mike suggested I make a quick trip to Valpo.  I headed there in my comfy clothes and no makeup.  It was perfect and exactly what I needed.  I plan to do it again soon. It was a lot of driving for a short visit, but well worth it.  I listened to a book in the car, had a great lunch, and really enjoyed the time with my grandma.  

4. Mike's New Job
Mike started a new job this week and he is really enjoying it so far.  He is still doing sales but feels that this is a company that he will be able to grow with and thrive.  

5. Laundry Machines and Vacuum Cleaners
So grateful for these two things I use almost every day.  I think it's appropriate to say that I use the vacuum cleaner every. single. day.  but laundry I will pick a few days of the week.  Yesterday it ran all day and today will be the same.  Thankfully the twins do their own laundry and Jack puts his away.   Don't get me wrong, I am constantly saying to the twins, "put your laundry away" and it drives me bananas.  Also, I realized that Jack needs a bit more supervision because when he's done his clothes are still falling off the hangers.  I don't remember doing laundry at all while growing up....though I am sure it was exactly the same.  I just need to trust that they will figure it all out one day.  Today I am focused on Nash's blankets and beds before moving to Mike's laundry.

Monday, January 13, 2025


1. The time
Wow.... I didn't realize it has been almost 2 months since I last did a post.  Thanksgiving, Europe, Owen's injury, Christmas....so much time has passed.  It was insanely busy and in the past few weeks I have been putting the house back together and catching up on taxes, laundry, and cleaning.  

I always take the near year to reset and figure out goals.  Last year TRAIL was front and center.  This year I want to focus on less screen time, more time outside, and more time with the boys.  I also want to pay off my car, change out the outdoor space, and move my body more.  

2. Dates
Rouzer and I have been more connected since coming back from Germany.  In the past few weeks I have been mentally telling myself - "no big trips this year."  Yesterday we received one of the post cards from Prague and now I want to plan another trip.  Instead, we went to Ale Emporium.  This is a picture of Mike getting me a new beer since my draft was flat.  It tasted like it was from a growler that was in the fridge too long.  Thankful for him and immediately taking care of me.  It's the small things.  **Like prepping the coffee every night.

3. Monday
I did my workout this morning.  It was tough but I just tried not to think too much and went to the basement and lifted.  I am not even near the place I was last year and that can be tough...debilitating even.  I know the work it will take to get my body to the place it needs to be.  BUT today....I started again.  I even put on my weighted vest and walked outside for 10 mins.  Yeah ....it was FREEZING and I wasn't ready for that so I did 10 mins and was grateful for the sunshine, the fresh air, and the movement.

4. The weekend
On Saturday night, after dinner, I told all of the boys we were having a mandatory ping pong tournament.  With all of the different personalities in the house this could of gone extremely poorly.  We brought the Alexa downstairs and everyone was able to pick two songs.  Don't worry - I still had the veto.  Everyone was engaged, laughing, and present.  Eventually Cameron and Jack started wrestling and having pillow fights.  No one was on electronics and of course Mike was always the champion.

It was probably 45 mins but exactly what my heart needed. No fighting, no issues, and then the boys played together afterwards.  It was a needed reminder that it doesn't need to be elaborate - it just needs to happen.

5. Owen is not cutting
I have Owen back!!  It was a solid lesson learned for him.  He is very aware that he was unhealthy and not as strong as he was in the past.  It sucks that he isn't wrestling right now and won't be wrestling for MONTHS .... but I am just so grateful that he is actually laughing, happy, and back to his old self.

This picture is from last night.  I was making a huge salad and all of a sudden Owen was eating from the bowl.  He truly thought that it was just his.  I had enough so then I made Cameron his Own salad as well.  Instead of using a fork ... he was eating with the mixing tongs.  Jack on the other hand doesn't eat salad --but still wanted to be in the picture.


Tuesday, November 19, 2024

The Highs

 1. Owen is on VARSITY

My determined, dedicated, and hardworking athlete is on varsity as a freshman.  This past weekend was the first official high school wrestle off for the twins and Owen came out on top.  He knew that 106 was his best bet and he set the goal and started the grind.  It was nerve racking and then extremely exciting.  I had so much fun watching his goal become reality.  Take that back.... I struggled, STRUGGLED, with the weight loss aspect.  I leaned into Jenny Culp (another mom) and stayed on top of his health.  Now that the major cut is over, he has been doing AMAZING keeping his weight.  Wrestling is a crazy ass sport.  I could not be prouder of his hard work. 

2. Week off

I have the entire Monday - Friday off this week.  Usually, I pick up work but since the Cancer Center didn't need me, I decided to just be off.  Today I will get officially caught up on laundry and will try to finish most of Christmas...if not all of Christmas.  We finally have all of our lodging booked for Germany & Prague, but I still want to look at train schedules and things to do besides eat and drink our way through Christmas markets. Ehhhh.... that actually sounds great...

3. The girls

On Friday I went to Amy's house with Laura to just spend time together.  I brought stuff to make Christmas snowflakes and Amy pulled out her laminator.  That means I literally brought over my personal task and asked if they would help.  It turned into the perfect morning of just BEING.  On Monday the three of us went to Shelby's.  We helped fold laundry, Amy gave her bags of girl clothes, and Laura and I continued to work on snowflakes.  I am so grateful for their friendship.  And that they put up with my crazy.

4.  HSE Skyward

I am not sure if it should be a love or a hate relationship with Skyward.  It fully allows me to be a helicopter parent with grades....and it fully allows me to be a helicopter parent with grades.  How did our parents know if we did our assignments?  How did they know if we were doing absolutely nothing.  My only guess is....I did my assignments, so it wasn't an issue.  I am still grateful that I have a heads up and try TRY my best to figure this out without being a helicopter parent.  It's not working but I am super grateful for this crutch.

5.  New Eye Mask

I believe that gift giving is my mother in law's love language.  Every year she spoils us for Christmas, bdays, mother's day....everything.  Since Mike already received one, huge present, I decided to open my presents and use them as they come.  Right now, my new eye mask is my favorite.  I have used an eye mask religiously for years.  Even in a completely dark room.  This one is a bit weighted, silky, and fabulous.  I still look like an old, swollen, wrinkly lady when I wake up.  I am obsessed with sleep and since I will not be pulling the trigger on a $2000 cooling system, this eye mask is the next best thing!

Monday, November 4, 2024


 1. Halloween

Another year of Halloween success.  I love the tradition of hanging out with the Redmans.  The littles went off by themselves and at the end of the night Cameron and his friends showed up for dinner.  It is easy and fun.  We sit outside by the fire while people trick or treat.  

2. Wrestling Tournament 

Early last week I found out there was a tournament in Ohio on Sunday and I was NOT WORKING.  I had Greg sign Owen up, I got Jack to agree on attending, and we traveled to Cincy.  It was a 12-hour day with lots and LOTS of waiting -- but also lots of yatzee.  Jack and I played a ton of games, Owen wrestled great, and I was able to spend time just being together.  

Today is the first official day of high school wrestling plus no CIA tonight.

Also -- here is what I packed for the day. 

3 peanut butter, honey, and chocolate chip sandwiches, 2 PB&J sandwiches, popcorn, 4 drinks, 1 protein coffee, 5 peaches, 3 electrolyte packets, 3 protein bars, 3 fruit snacks, 1 cinnamon bar, 2 bananas, 1 chickpea/quinoa salad, and Halloween candy

But while there I also bought 1 pretzel with cheese, bag of skittles, and chipotle on the way home.  

No - we didn't eat all of this food.  Greg brought his own food as well that I saw Owen eating.  

3. Owen's Hair

I didn't have to pay $90 or $50 (both quotes I received) to bleach Owen's hair.  We did it at home.  It didn't turn out fully miserable.  

4. Driver's Ed

The twins are officially signed up for Driver's Ed.  Cameron has completed 10% of the course.  Owen hasn't signed in.  

5. Harry Potter

Quickly back to Halloween - Jack's new costume, Jack Skeleton, was not comfortable on him.  So, at the very last minute we switched to Harry Potter.  Jack had the robe and wand from Universal this summer.  He refused the glasses or a lighting streak.  So thankful it wasn't a meltdown and was resolved quickly.  Also, we might be able to regift the costume to Grace.  Fingers crossed!

Thursday, October 31, 2024


 1. 4 days of work - OVER

My set schedule for work is 4 days on, 10 days off.  I love it.  This week I switched a coworker which took my fourth day and moved it to Friday.  I ended up picking up Tuesday on a different unit.  HOLY. HELL.  It was an insane day. I left an absolute mess for the night shift nurse.  I felt so bad.  I know it's a 24-hour hospital....but still... it was a lot.  I was so grateful to walk out of the door (even 30 minutes late).  I am also grateful I work oncology and usually my days are fabulous.

2. Partnership

I am so grateful for Mike and our partnership.  The schedules we carry are never regular and constantly changing.  The boys are going a million different ways and we have to constantly check in to divide and conquer.  It's tough.  It's not rare to be busy in this season of our life, but it's still tough.  Today I am signing the boys up for driver's ed and then will have additional tasks on the plate.  

**This picture was taken right before getting into Bernadette's car and heading to Tahoe for Trail**

3. Sara

About a month ago I had one of the absolute most memorable experiences of my life.  I was allowed to be in the delivery of Cassidy.  I was the only family allowed in the room.  It was unbelievable.  I saw Sara be an absolute badass.  I am so grateful and honored for this gift.  I wish I could shout it from the rooftops.  Since that day I have been able to hang out with these two multiple times.  It has been such a soul lifting experience.  

4. Friendship

All of the boys have great friendships right now and it has been so much fun getting to know their friends.  This evening the twins are having friends over to celebrate Halloween and then Mike and I are taking Jack to the Redman's.  I wish I could be at both places at once. 

5. Shelby

On the early morning of May 17, 2014, I called Shelby to ask for help.  She was the person who I knew would pick up the phone, immediately get out of bed, and drive over to help.  She went straight to Erin's house to watch the littles so my dad could be at the hospital with the rest of our family.  That is who she is.  That is the type of friend.  The type of person.  

In the picture below, she is at homecoming pictures with me.  

She is in my life for the highs and the lowest of lows.  So grateful for her and our friendship. 

Friday, October 25, 2024


1. Starting Again

I am going to try and make this a habit...again.  When the boys turned 15 a few days ago I started to get a bit teary eyed looking at old pictures.  I don't remember much - AT ALL - from that time period in my life.  I am so grateful that I wrote this diary that shared our day-to-day craziness.  And today, I am grateful that I can start again.  That I can just pick back up and write down the things that later I will absolutely forget.... or look at with rose colored glasses.  

This picture is of the twins at Big Apple on their birthday morning.  A TON of kids were there before school.

2. TRAIL is finished

I am finally (WEEKS LATER) able to look back with fondness on my TRAIL experience.  It was one for the books.  The books that are titled.... HOLY FUCK.  What are you doing to your body. 

3. Part Time work    

A few months ago I had enough with Sage Homes and New Bath Today.  It was a Thursday evening and I went to work on Friday and asked to work part-time.  I wanted to hold the insurance and didn't want to depend on that business.  A job was immediately created for me, and I was giving Sara my schedule before 3pm that day.  So grateful to have the opportunity and ease to step right back into work.

4. Wrestling season officially starts in less than 2 weeks

You would think I would be nervous for more wrestling...but in our house it will actually be less!  The boys currently have a crazy schedule with CIA and LOG (wrestling clubs)

Monday: Open gym at school until 5pm, CIA from 6-730

Tuesday: LOG 7-830

Wednesday: CIA 6-730

Thursday: Open gym until 5pm. Then Cameron has LOG 7-830 and Owen does private 630-730

Sunday: CIA 430 - 6

Since High Schoolers are not able to wrestle kids from other schools during season then they won't be going to CIA.  I am not sure what will be happening to LOG but pretty pumped that we don't have to drive to Warren 3x a week.

6. Kroger has pumpkins

The twins just got home from school, and we are headed to Kroger to grab pumpkins before they start to hang out with their friends.  Jack is going to Xever's house for a sleep over. Owen is having Clara, Jayden, and Max over.  Cameron is meeting up with Henry and Deegan to skate and then spending the night here.