For the past few weeks I was without my camera. Not only is it hard to update the blog but I was feeling sad having to go purchase a new one. Amy pulled out her old one, bought me rechargeable batteries, and gave me her camera!! She came over yesterday afternoon and we were finally able to catch up on life. It was great to see her. Here is a picture of her and her new husband, Patrick, that was left on the card. Thank you thank you thank you!!
I don't know if I have posted this yet but Cameron is getting tubes. He is still running fevers and pulling at his ears. He does not feel all. I hope that in a few short weeks he will feel better and back to his normal self. So very grateful that this is the only medical condition that we are dealing with besides the normal runny nose.
The boys stayed in Chicago over the Thanksgiving holiday. Mat was able to help me put up the tree, the gate and all. Yes...this gate stays up 24/7. As the hours go on...I have been moving ornaments up, out of reach. I am happy that I made the decision to put the tree up and grateful for the help.
This year Thanksgiving was a blast. We had dinner at my mom's house. We played Apples to Apples and laughed and laughed all evening. It was over pretty early because of a nasty bug that was going through everyone this season. Regardless, Thanksgiving was awesome.
5. Walking
Yes, I know that this is a picture of Owen sitting in his highchair but how could I not put this cute picture of him up to share. Anyways, he has been taking TONS of steps lately. He is even able to stand up in the middle of the floor and start on his's great. He loves to move around.