Thursday, June 30, 2011


1. Everyday life
I am so grateful that I am able to stay home everyday with the boys (at least most days). As they grow up I watch them learn and grow. We play outside, run errands, take naps, eat treats, and just live a great life. Here are some pictures of snack time around the dining table. I am not quite sure how it happened. I gave the boys apples in the afternoon last week. Cameron climbed up onto a chair and just started eating. Owen followed. Then I decided that I couldn't be left out of the party. Here are a few quick pictures from our short snack time.

(Yes....I had apple all over the table.)

3. Babies

This is a picture from Catherine's shower. Baby W is due SOON. Very grateful that they live so close. I have a feeling we will be having LOTS of play dates together.

**** I think that I am allowed to post this news, and trust me, it is exciting. Ashley is PREGNANT. yay!!! Now I just need to find time and see her to give her a congratulations hug!


3. Chicago

Last week Mat and I took a quick trip to Chicago with Amy and Patrick. It was great to get out of the house and not have to worry about chores. Here is a photo from an afternoon Cubs game and guess what...they WON.


I made a trip, with the boys, to Valpo before going to Chicago last week. I can say that this was the best trip yet. I was actually able to spend quality time with my grandparents, I wasn't exhausted from day to day life, and I really enjoyed my time. The boys enjoyed the cars and was just great. Period. This first picture is us waiting for Greg to get the boys. They were EXHAUSTED. I think that they really enjoyed it too!

4. Baking

Last week I decided to bake cinnamon rolls. As many know...LOVE me some cinnamon rolls. Anyways, I didn't really read the complete recipe to full understanding. So I ended up using 9 cups of flour. Yes. 9. So to show my is how much dough I made.

And here is one (of the many) pans of rolls that I made. They were wonderful and now my freezer is full of the treats. I loved every minute of making them by scratch. (well besides taking the boys for a quick trip to Kroger to buy more flour)

5. Same room

This title means....yes....the boys are in the SAME room again. The two nights went okay. I was still nervous to let someone cry in the middle of the night for fear of waking his brother.

They will stay in the same room for the next few years. My hope is that they enjoy being together. Now I need to organize and decorate.

Monday, June 20, 2011


Something I continue to forget to post....
I love the moments when the boys wake up from their naps or in the morning when I get them out of their crib. They just lay their head on my shoulder and cuddle for a few minutes while they "wake up." I love this little moment that I have with them everyday and I am not looking forward to the day when they don't fit into my arms anymore. It is so sweet.

A mess

1. A busy, exhausting weekend
This weekend I was super busy. Here are some pictures of the events.

2. It happened at once

So I guess this was the summer that it would all fall apart. Below is a picture of my shattered glass table. If you will notice I have folding chairs all around...not the normal chairs. Here is the short table and chairs have slowly fallen apart this summer and now they are gone. Each chair broke within a matter of weeks and a week later, the table shattered. Awesome. So I just bought a new umbrella, and now I don't have a table.

3. Dad

This is a LONG overdue shout out to my dad. He is "THE MAN" around here. I would not be able to survive without him in my life. Not only that...the boys are OBSESSED. Here is a picture of my dad fixing my water filter leak and of course....Owen helping out.

4. Bath time

The boys love their time in the bathtub. Not only that...they sleep great after they take a good bath.

5. Lawn mower

Holli and Andy gave us their old lawn mower and it is GREAT. My lawn is due for another mow as I type. So grateful for such a wonderful friendship. Thank you!!!

Wednesday, June 15, 2011


1. The $50 ear
Yesterday morning Cameron woke up with a red, slightly inflamed ear. My first thought was that I didn't put sunscreen on that part and he had a sunburn. As the morning progressed, so did the size of his ear. These pictures were taken at 12:30 and we went the to doctor at 4pm. He is now on antibiotics and steroids. This morning it is still red and large but getting better. He is in great spirits and his fun, dancing, sweet self.

2. Pictures

I love this picture I got of Owen. I am sure it was after/during a quick tantrum. I have also been able to get some quick videos of our everyday lives. Very grateful that I will have these memories captured in years to come.

3. My own fault

I am sure it was as recent as the last post, but I accidentally left the cheerios in the toy room again. Here is the story: I was bringing the boys a small snack of cheerios. As I entered the toy room it was obvious. Someone pooped. Come to find out...they BOTH pooped. It was 8am and my forth diaper change. I put down the snack, changed the diapers, and left the room to throw away the mess and wash my hands. I completely forgot the cheerios. At least for a few minutes....

(As you can tell...much less cheerios than last time!!!)

3. Playground

The boys LOVE going to the playground to climb and explore. It does make me a tad nervous I will admit, but man oh man do they love the adventure.

Cameron climbed up this slide backwards. By himself. All the way to the top. (yes, I am obsessed, and my kids continually amaze me.)

4. The car book

These pictures are of the frequent experience of reading the car book. The first is of Cameron crying because both boys are unable to fit on my lab (comfortably) and someone always gets pushed off.

This is Owen reading his favorite book pointing to every car, truck and boat. It is pretty funny and pretty normal life around here.


I am going to have a new niece!!! The whole family is so excited for Erin to have a little girl growing healthy in her belly. Now I have an excuse to buy cute dresses and dolls. Yay for little girls!!

Thursday, June 9, 2011


1. Motherhood
So I found this great poem on motherhood on the Internet last week. I have been trying for a good 5 minutes to copy and paste onto the blog. Not working. And those who know my patience level knows that I am already over it. Maybe one day I will type it all out....but not today. Anyways, love the job (most of the time).

2. Kisses and "I love you"

Now my blog is doing double space....ehhh.....sorry.

The boys are BIG on kisses right now. The best is when I say, "Say I love you" to practice words and they immediately do their kissing face. LOVE IT. Now the boys are kissing each other. This picture is Owen trying to kiss Cameron. Yes, it was on my prompting. 3. Swimmer diapers

Even though they cost an arm and a leg they are really pretty nice. Period. The end.

4. Doctor's Appointment

The boys had their 18 month appointment yesterday (though they are almost 20 months). They did great and I loved the NP who saw us. So to the important stuff...the boys weigh exactly the same. 25.9 lbs. No joke. Cameron is over and inch longer and still has a huge head. Both boys are doing great.

5. Words

The boys have really started to increase their vocabulary in the past few days. They are trying to say everything and slowly things are starting to be comprehensible.

Saturday, June 4, 2011


1. Tantrums
I don't really think that I will miss the tantrums...but at times they are just down right hilarious. In this particular even Owen has watermelon juice all over his face and body. His diaper is completely full of water and I am sure it was related to more food in some way. I got many quick snap shots but here are two that sum up the short event.

2. Silverware

The boys are starting to use their forks and spoons and be FUNCTIONAL. This morning they had spoons for their applesauce and then I gave them a bowel of cereal. Yes...two spoons. What was I thinking?

3. Vacuum cleaners

A few days ago I was washing breakfast dishes in the kitchen while the boys played in the toy room. Um....this is a few pictures of them playing. Grateful for vacuum cleaners.

(Yes...Owen had the pacifier the wrong way in his mouth. Don't ask. No idea.)

4. The pool

This summer I hope to spend lots of days at the pool. Mat and I took the boys one afternoon before naps. We packed a lunch and spent about an hour jumping in the water. Cameron had no fear and even dove right in with no adults to catch him. I was close by and grabbed him out of the water. He was a bit stunned but no tears. Within seconds he knew he was okay and kept playing. Owen is a tad more hesitant but still enjoyed being held, splashing, and of course the packed lunch!

5. Book club

We had our first book club meeting on Thursday. I made all new receipes and they turned out great. It was so nice to catch up with the girls and eat great food. Looking forward to next month. I need to start reading!!