Friday, August 24, 2012

Good morning

A quick update to the blog.  FIRST I am going to do 5 things that I am grateful for....I know, right?  THEN I will try to quickly talk about the pictures.
1. My schedule

Holy moly am I a lucky mom.  Though working every weekend night is a BITCH on my body and mind BUT I am so lucky that this Friday afternoon I am able to take my kids to the pool and yesterday we had an impromptu play date before naps.  Do not envy those moms who work 55 hours a week but my body does :)


2.  Projects on the house
My home always seems to be a work in progress.  Usually it is just time progressing with no work being done.  In August we received a "night bonus" at work and I put the cash back into the house.  I hope to find some more simple, cheap updates.  This house really needs a face lift!!

3. The beach
In two weeks I will be packing our bags for the beach!  We will leave shortly after the boys' first day of school.  I don't know if I have ever been so excited for a vacation.  We. Are. Blessed.

4. Yoga
If I was able to take a yoga class every single day....I would.  I was only able to do 50 minutes last night at the gym and boy does it make me happy. 

5. "Please"
I am grateful that ONE DAY my boys will use the word please every time that they ask for something.  For some reason it makes the "giving" a lot more easy.  This tiny word has been a huge struggle at our house and yesterday the lack of use about put me over the edge.  I kept saying, "Cameron.  You are kiiilllliiinnngggg me."  He started saying it to a flat monotone voice. 

AHHHH....5 things.  Simple and easy.  And one more.....I woke up early this morning, got ready for the day, and the boys should be up any minute.  It is going to be a good one!!
Yes...the boys eat salad.  They actually call lettuce "salad." 

This picture of my Starbucks and the boys eating watermelon, in their pajamas, was from a rough morning a few weeks back.  Let me tell you what...that coffee put a fire under my butt and it ended up being a great day.  We stayed outside until lunch.  The boys still in pajamas with no shoes...and I did yard work in my pajamas and flip flops.  I am sure we were a sight to see.  The boys just run around, get dirty and eat freeze pops.  Success.

This 90 minutes of potty training Owen peed in his underwear 6 times.  Needless to say....I have started to take a different approach.....not trying so hard.  Sometimes they go in the potty, sometimes they don't. 

Thursday, August 9, 2012


It has been awhile since my last post and I have a LOT of random reverse order.  Sorry.  So you will notice the nice, fresh (well Owen's is terrible) new haircuts and then at the end of the blog you will think to yourself, "Oh yes...they REALLY needed hair cuts." 

Love living at the end of a street.  This was taken one night this past week, shortly before bedtime.  The only thing missing was a neighbor, who has kids who would want to sit out and have a glass of wine.

Yay for another night out...this time to celebrate Emma's bday. did remind me that I am THRILLED to not be 22 and going out to the bars anymore. 

They set up a barricade to the toy room and told me that it was closed.  I was not allowed to go inside.

He gets so serious when he is trying to write.  He told me that he was writing my name for me.  Thanks buddy!

Yes...he is staring at the rain.  It only happened a few times this summer. 

The boys were chewing bubble gum, sitting on cars, in the middle of the street.  Could life get any better.  Yes...we chew gum.  Is that a mom fail?  I decided that I was only going to give it to them when they poop in the potty.  I decided that today.  It has worked so far.  No pooping.  No gum.  ....Just LOTS of whining.

Sorry the pictures are out of order...I am still learning and too lazy to go back and fix anything. 

 This was really Cameron's outfit yesterday.  He was melting down because I wouldn't let him wear the car pajama pants after nap time yesterday.  Then he INSISTED on wearing his water shoes. It only got better because at the gym he put on orange and white striped socks and then wore Owen's sandals on top of that.  It was hilarious. 

Owen waiting to get his diaper changed....oh....hopefully next blog I will have great things to say about potty training!