Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Oct 30th

Another quick post in October.  Be impressed!!!
1. "Yeah"
Owen has been doing this for MONTHS.  At times it makes me want to strangle him, most of the time it makes me question as a mom how to proceed, and many times it makes me struggle to hold back my smile.  When Owen gets in trouble or time out, once he settles and you have a moment to talk with him...he just agrees with everything you say so that he can get back to playing his toys.  Owen is usually in time out (99%) of the time because he gets a little rough when he decides that he doesn't want to share his toys.  If you take him completely away he has learned to say whatever you want to hear so he can get back to playing.  He just shakes his head up and down and says yes over and over....so much that it doesn't make sense at times and it is extremely obvious that he is trying to work the system.  As a mom I realized that he has NO CLUE why he is in time out anymore....he is just smart enough to get out.  I guess that is a skill too,  "Getting your truck back using words." Oh.....he is such a stinker.
2. This American Life
I love the radio show, This American Life.  I wish that it was on a few times a week.  I download the show from Itunes, put it on a CD and listen to it on the way to meet with Greg.  It makes the trip go a little faster and has really interesting stories. 
These next two pictures are of the boys at McDonald's while we were waiting for Greg.  We meet pretty much half way between the two cities.  Usually I just move the boys between cars but last week Greg was running a late so we went inside to have a snack and move our legs a bit. 

3. Playground
I love this playground.  We live close, no one is usually there, and the boys are able to play on everything.  This is a morning that we went around 830 am.  It was wet that morning but it was a beautiful day.  We ended up going to Broad Ripple park that afternoon.

 4. Target
As you can see...my fridge was EMPTY.  It still took me four more days to get to Target after this picture was taken.  I spent $325.  I almost had a heart attack.  BUT I started buying a few Christmas gifts and honestly....I needed almost everything!! 

5.  Worked Days
I worked days last weekend.  It was a nice change of pace for my body.  I still stayed up too late trying to get a lot done while the boys were at Greg's.  BUT it reminded me that I need to get back on days in August.  I have started to LOVE the night shift and the people but my body still loves working on days. 

Monday, October 22, 2012

Three Years Old

Holy Moly and Happy Birthday.  We made it another year.  The boys are three.  To think about all that has happened this year....the boys started school, stopped using pacifiers (I know...but I never thought it would actually happen), and started talking in complete sentences.  They are growing up so fast that it is hard to keep up.  They are funny, love to show off, but they are still my little boys. 
Tonight we had pizza and cupcakes at my parents house.  We opened presents, wore party hats (for 2 minutes) and spent time with the Harris family.  It was easy to sit back and count our thousands of blessings.  The boys said thank you, looked people in the eyes, and gave out many hugs.  We had lots of laughs, enjoyed a glass of wine, and Erin and I even kicked the soccer ball between the two of us a few times (yes....only three....because all the kids ran away....but still!!)
It was a great day and I am so lucky to be able to celebrate these two healthy, wonderful little boys.  

Friday, October 19, 2012


1. New Carpet
I finally FINALLY broke down and got new carpet for the three rooms.  The carpet was gross, covered in stains, and could of been the original carpet from the 1970s...I don't know.  Regardless, I finally bit the bullet and put $2218.02 onto a HomeDepot credit card that is interest free for 6 months.  I am SOOOO happy that this occurred.  
I moved all the furniture myself and then Tanya helped me move most of it back into the rooms.  I switched a lot of the furniture around (and Erin gave me a bed to borrow) so it is essentially like I have three new rooms.  Yay!! 
2. The dressers
Done.  Because I can't really take it anymore.  This was a lesson in the fact that I have no patience....or at least not enough.  A few weeks ago I sanded and started to stain the two dressers that I have had from childhood.  The staining process went terribly wrong so I decided that I will paint them white.  THEN I decided that I would paint a green stripe down the side like something that I saw once on pinterest.  After that didn't go as planned....I stopped.  I couldn't do it anymore.  I moved the dressers into the boys room.  Owen told me he didn't like it (as well as every single visitor...except Tanya....)
There is a picture on this post of one of the dressers.  Maybe when the boys are in school and I have significantly more time to do projects around the house...these will be tackled again.
3. Back to bed
This morning Cameron woke up at 655.  I went into his room and told him to go back to bed.  I laid with him for less than a minute, got the boys sippy cups and they have been asleep for another 30 minutes.  It never works out this beautifully!
4. Naked dance party
Last night we got home sort of late from the gym.  BACK STORY: I have had some type of infection on my face and I have not mentally been able to get out of the house.  It has about a month that I have been the the gym.  I went to one spin class and 15 mins of yoga since I have been back from Rosemary.  SOOOO the scale didn't like me much. 
So we got back from the gym and the boys were eating blue berry muffins and cereal for snacks and started to squish it and make a mess.  We decided to take our clothes off right there to contain it a bit.  They thought this was great.  It was hilarious to see them run around with just socks on their little feet and of course....Owen couldn't stop dancing. 
5. Books
We read four books a night while both boys lay in Cameron's bed.  Last night we only read one book because it was SUPER long.  But this has really made our bedtime much easier.  Also, the boys actually sit and listen to an entire book which didn't happen last year.  
He didn't want me to take his picture.  But went into the gym and ran all the way into childcare with his sunglasses on.  I love it!

Another 10 minute activity with the boys. 

Here are some of the updates to the house.  I am going to have to stop for a bit and let my bank account catch back up.

I had a friend say, "Cameron has the sweetest smile and Owen gives the best hugs."  He was right.  And these boys are so stinking cute.  .....I know....I am obssessed.

Last year I started measuring the boys in the closet.  OH. MY. GOODNESS.  They are HUGE.  I love this picture because it even shows how Cameron is growing out of his pants...but he hates change (like his mom) and insists on wearing them.
The boys are starting to stir but at least I got my blog done.  YAY!!!

Tuesday, October 2, 2012


I am finally posting some more Rosemary pictures.  I want to be honest.  This is my personal slice of heaven.  I LOVE Rosemary and I LOVE this vacation.  We are a very lucky bunch.