Tuesday, September 27, 2016


So tonight I tried to do too many things, completely miscalculated my times and found myself telling Owen (who had been dressed for soccer for 2 hours) that his soccer practice would be ending in approximately 10 minutes and that he would not be able to go.  Tears formed quickly in ihis eyes but he somehow figured out the courage to take the news like a boss.  On on the other hand  felt pretty bad about the whole thing.  I didn't have the coaches email on me so we showed up at the END of practice and I apologized in person for missing out.  

Here's the thing--I HATE no shows -- HATE.  I also don't like being late.  At. All.  As you can imagine, the whole evening when I slowly realized my plans were dissolving around me, my heart was beating out of my chest.  It taught me a lesson to think before I plan -- plan ahead -- and make sure to plan grace periods within my evening.  I was also able to show Owen how I successfully handled a mistake and applaud (and treat him to ice cream) for successfully handling the disappointment.  

**And for those judgers out there -- yes I realize that ice cream was not necessary and possibly taught him the wrong lesson BUT my soul needed some relief**

Tonight I am just going to just highlight some pictures instead of 5 things that make me happy.

A picture of us at Owen's soccer game on Sunday afternoon. 

Cameron is bored to say the least.  He usually sits up on the bleachers even when Owen's team plays four fields away.

I had my phone out to check my email and Jack was saying "cheeeeese" so I felt it necessary to snap his sweet picture.

Kissing grandma during FaceTime.

Our new barber, Kutz.  Holy moly they are finally getting better haircuts!
The boys out for ice cream tonight.  I decided to stay home with SBJ.

Sorry -- I have to write a quick 5.  It's just part of the grateful life.

1. Fall weather
Today I wore jeans and a long, comfortable shirt.  The weather was perfect. Windows are open and it's freezing cold in the morning.  Absolutely heavenly.

2. Radio Lab
I have a new podcast that I love.  I feel like I spend a LOT of time in my car so things like this make me happy.

3. Fresh Haircuts
The boys have pictures on Friday and I was having trouble getting them scheduled for haircuts.  Though I completely messed up the schedule tonight --hair cuts are complete.

4. Mike is awesome.
"he is really awesome and has a really big weiner"

5. Morning coffee
HELLO! I would be a miserable, lazy ass mess without my morning coffee.  Don't get me wrong, I get plenty of sleep BUT I also eat terrible and rarely workout so in the mornings I am still super sleepy.  I am also probably addicted to coffee which doesn't help anything either...  Regardless -- this morning my coffee was the sole reason I had all boys out the door, the dishwasher emptied, breakfast cleaned up, all rooms picked up and vacuumed and laundry started....before 830am

Saturday, September 24, 2016

Bitter Sweet

1. Sleeping in my bed
So tonight it is a little bit bitter sweet because I am sleeping in my bed BUT the twins and Mike are camping out with the boy scouts.  They are doing skits by the camp fire right now as I listen to Jack try and fall asleep.  So here is the deal .... I think that camping probably is really fun and it's different and cool and you wake up feeling happy that you survived the night.  I follow REI on instagram and when they post the most amazing camping photos in the middle of nowhere it makes me want to hike there and set up camp.  BUT I am pretty happy right now that I am in my bed.  I am using electricity, hopefully no bugs crawl on me, and when I have to go to the bathroom in the middle of the night I think it will be an overall smooth experience.  The boys are in heaven -- and for that I am grateful.  I wish I could of stayed a bit longer to enjoy smores and goodnight kisses but super grateful that I am in my bed.    .....and yes....one day I will camp again and I think that I might actually like it...but right now I will leave it up to the boys.

oh....the tent.   It will be interesting to hear how it goes tonight.  I have a feeling we will finally buy our own tent.
Clearly he is in heaven.  

2. Daddy Mike
Yup. Sorry to bore you but this man must make the list AGAIN.  Legit I think that he is the fucking bomb.  Though he loves camping and being with the boys -- I am sure 30 boy scouts running around all night will test him to the limits.  I am so grateful that he stands up to continually volunteer to do things.  He is the absolute best and I am so so so happy.

3.  Another day is complete with SBJ holyshit baby Jack.
He has hit that age and he is ROUGH.  Today was no joke.  It's usually never a joke.  He is on-off-on-off all the time.  I must say that he comes by it naturally. Both Mike and I run pretty hard all the time and we are both stubborn and persistent BUT yikes -- add that to the terrible twos and you can meet baby Jack.

4. We can pay our bills and not worry
I am pretty serious about money.  We have lots of major goals both long term and short term and we work hard to accomplish them.  For some reason right now we have had lots of random things come up like our yearly car insurance bill and our license plate renewal to name a few.  Though I don't like spending the money I am glad that we can just easily pay.  I think that this is a big deal and though we have worked hard to be in this position I am grateful that we are in this place AND I don't want to take it for granted.
Cameron set up a note and Mickey on Jack's crib as a surprise.
 5. Nicole
I am so glad that I was able to catch up with Nicole this week.  She is the absolute best.  She is thoughtful, inspiring, and uplifting.  She is positive, a fabulous mom and insanely easy to be around.  I feel honored and blessed to be her friend.  When she leaves my soul feels full AND I have many new things to think about, work through and apply in my own life.  She is the best.

Hitting the streets for sales.  Holy -- this picture makes it look easy.  It's not. 

Tuesday, September 20, 2016

The easy days

It is because of days like today that I feel successful, energized and that I can gracefully do it all again tomorrow.  Days like today when the balance between hard work and wonderful play mesh perfectly.  Days when kids crash hard and parents sleep easy.  These days are the best.  

Today I had another Tuesday off.  I skipped spin this morning to have the house appraised (No -- we are not moving).  Because our appointment was at 9 Mike and I were able to beast out the entire house of cleaning before 830 -- yes, be impressed.  So not only did I have a clean house, I was able to grocery shop for the week, mow my ridiculously large yard, do two loads of laundry AND enjoy lunch out with my husband all before the kids jumped off the bus.  Once the kids got off the bus Mike and I split up reading, tackled homework and then sorted Cub Scout popcorn.  We picked up Jack, had dinner and then Owen and I headed to soccer.  I was able to catch up with an old friend, watch Owen score a goal and enjoy the evening sunshine.  At the same time Mike was taking Cameron and Jack out to sell more popcorn.  Once we all met at home the older boys went back out to sell while I played with Jack and gave him a bath.  When the twins made it home (yes--we were up a little past bedtime) they showered and enjoyed a snack.  

Today life worked and it worked well.  These days fuel me for the next.  They remind me how sweet this time is.  They remind me to work really hard so that when I am around my littles I actually have TIME to teach, play and grow with them.  Days like today are the best.

1. Mike
He takes such good care of me I can't say it enough.  I hope that these boys are watching him closely and figuring out how to love on their partner and be a good husband and father -- because goodness he does it right.  

Mike taking the two out while I was at soccer practice with Owen.
 2. "Guess what"
Cameron starts out almost every single sentence with "guess what. " Every one.  It is hard to not actually start laughing when you are talking to him when after each sentence he adds another, "guess what."  He actually wants you to say, "what?" and then he will complete the next sentence.  Sometimes I will try and say, "Hey, guess what?" but he just responds with a "what?" like it is totally normal to start every sentence that way.
I absolutely love this picture of him.

3. "Oh really."
So the twins talk A LOT.  Owen talks the most but when you get Cameron on a roll he keeps going and going....I have found that I say, "oh really" at least 100 times a day.  They tell me the most random shit and are clearly looking for some type of response.  Hmmmm.....maybe I am as bad as Cameron's, "guess what?"

4. Porta (aka Porter) Potty talk
While I am on the subject -- today at soccer Owen had to run to the bathroom so I was standing near the porta potties waiting for him.  He yelled, "mom," I assumed to see if I made it there since he was running ahead.  Once he realized I was there he started into a story about why he ate lunch with the teacher today.  I stopped him mid sentence and told him to concentrate on pooping.  Yes -- our kids talk A LOT.

5. Goals
I am super grateful that I am goal oriented and goal driven.  I think that this trait has helped me a lot in life to achieve happiness and overall wellbeing.

This is just for your viewing pleasure.  He has mulch in both hands and is pissed that he can't go on the big swing without mom's help.  #thestruggleisreal

Sunday, September 18, 2016

Just today.

1. Cafe Patachou
At 815 when we finally rolled out of bed we realized that we had enough time to get to Patachou for breakfast and still be home by 930.  We love the ease and yumminess of Cafe Patachou and find ourselves there frequently on the mornings that we don't have the boys.  We usually arrive early enough so we don't have to wait and they never disappoint.

2.  Watching Owen play soccer
Today I was solo with the three boys for Owen's soccer game because Mike had to work.  It went surprisingly smoothly since SBJ eventually fell asleep and I was able to just sit and watch Owen play.  Cameron struggles with boredom at times during games but he is old enough to take a ball and go play on an empty field so overall it works out great.  Our team this year is a bit rough but Owen runs his ass off and absolutely loves playing.

those lips though

3. Boyscout popcorn sales
After the soccer game the boys changed into their cub scout uniforms and headed out to knock on doors to raise money for cub scouts.  Surprisingly they both loved going door to door.  We ended up stopping because Jack was insanely hard to manage and the mass amount of bug bites all over their legs was becoming alarming.  While we walked up and down the street, I was watching them fearlessly ring door bells and I will admit -- it was pretty fun and admirable.   

4. Two TVs
All members of our family are absolutely exhausted right now.  We all partied a bit too hard last night and we all have been going strong all day.  As I sit and type Jack is watching Mickey in our bedroom and the boys are eating popcorn and watching Aladdin in the living room.  It's peaceful, it's easy, and goodness, sitting down makes me super happy.

5. Owen lost his tooth
While I was folding laundry a few minutes ago and Mike was getting all the boys settled into their shows Owen shouted out, "I lost my tooth!"  He lost it while he was eating popcorn and he was pretty thrilled with the whole thing.  Now he sort of looks like a pirate!

Wednesday, September 14, 2016


I am not sure of the title of this one so I am just going to leave it blank.  Basically, I just need to say that I changed my mind from the last post.  I am not happy that my kids are growing up.  I want them to stay little. 

2. Cub scout heaven
The boys are basically in cub scout heaven.  We had our first real meeting on Monday and they were decked out in full garb.  Heaven.  

3. Power washed & weeds are gone
In the front I pulled all of the grass/weeds and though I don't plan on putting mulch down this year it looks SO.MUCH.BETTER.  Mike also power washed the front sidewalk and step.  Holy moly the change is unbelievable.  The next morning when we were walking to the bus stop, in the dark, Owen even stopped and said, "Mom look -- the sidewalk is white!"

4. Snacks during homework. 
Giving the boys yummy snacks while they do their homework usually makes the complaining go away.  Last night was the first night I had to pull out Google translate and homework took a tad longer than normal -- but overall things are going smoothly.  Overall is the key word. 

Here is a snapshot of Monday night's paper that Mike checked.  Please note how he circles the words, that the site words are not in alphabetical order AND my favorite part is y + z. 

He was posing for the camera and so happy eating his entire banana.
 5. Emily and Hollis
I wish I lived on the same street as these ladies.  They make me heart so happy.  To explain this picture..... Emily was trying to decide what to order and Holli and I were talking about our huge beers.  It reminded us of the time we were in Prague, extremely broke, and needed to SHARE an afternoon beer.  The waiter made fun of us and we laughed about it the entire trip.  We were still laughing about it last night. Love. Love. Love these ladies.

Monday, September 12, 2016


1. Grandma Pat came to visit
This past weekend Pat was in town for a few days.  Obviously it was great to catch up.  

Hiking in the morning at Ft Ben.

This is the only picture that I got of us going bowling on Saturday morning with my parents.  Yup. Lots of great pictures.
 Sorry that I have nothing else insightful to say about the trip.  We both feel extremely grateful the Pat came into town.  We ate great food and had lots of fun.  We don't have another trip planned but looking forward to seeing her again soon.

2.  Water bottles
I drink almost all of my water out of a water bottle.  Not the type that is disposable -- but the reusable, sport ones.  For some reason right now -- having my water bottle by my side makes me happy.

3. All of the boys
Growing, changing and growing up.  It makes me sad and want to hold onto their little hands super tight BUT it also makes me happy and proud to be their mom.

Cub scout books & Lexia.  Serious, studious boys.

Afternoon reading seems to take up lots of time in our house.  Each boy reads for 20 minutes and I have learned that an adult needs to sit with them to help at times. 
 4.  Adulting
Clearly being an adult is hard for me at times.  I would honestly prefer to just play.  This past week I prepped food and made desserts and TRIED to be an adult.  It was Jaclyn's bday this week so I prepared her the cookie cake on the right and last March she prepared the cookie cake on the left for me. Yup.  I am succeeding at this stuff.

5. ADP might possibly be finished
Setting up ADP for our employees has started to give me a heart attack.  This whole owning your own business stuff is STRESSFUL.  Grateful that I am almost done with setting ADP up and grateful the my husband usually carries all of this stress.  Wish I could take some off his back but clearly he is much better at this business stuff!

Wednesday, September 7, 2016

The normal days

Lots of life has happened because lots of life ALWAYS happens.  I think these past few years has taught me to stop, breathe and continue to play.  Nothing wild and crazy went down over Labor Day.  Clearly -- Mike and I celebrated with our favorite pastime -- eating lots of food -- but overall things were pretty normal.  Here is a quick 5 things that make me happy today.

1. Bedtime routines
We have our routine down pretty tight and that is pretty awesome.  Boyscouts on Monday will throw a wrench in our week but besides that one night we usually have all boys down by 735.  It is pretty money.  

**To those who criticize our early bedtime -- we still have to wake the boys up for school every day.  They are still tired at times but over all they fall asleep easy (besides Cameron every now and then), they are well adjusted, and we only have rare occasions of tears at 620am.**

2. Kitty AND Moo
Jack added Kitty to his collection of stuffed animals that he loves.  I am not going to lie -- it makes my heart melt to have him have his "thing" so I encourage it.  Terrible, terrible parenting i know....

3. The HOG
We ordered half a hog from Lilly.  I am pretty sure that we over paid -- the meat came out to about 3.40/lb BUT from the tiny bit that I have eaten ....I am pretty excited.  Plus, it is still cheaper than the grocery store AND it is raised on a tiny little farm here...by my old co-worker.  Our freezer is officially filled with meat.  To the top.

4. Tuesday morning spin class
Did this make the list last week ... probably.  I have a full blown obsession with spin class.  I can't get there often but when I do I sweat my entire soul out.  I push myself to the absolute edge -- more than once.  I read an article recently about being comfortable with getting out of your comfort zone.  This is exactly what I do.  For the entire hour I am miserable and happy and completely out of my comfort zone.  I walk away satisfied, proud and soaking wet with sweat.  I walk away strong and feeling like I can conquer the world.

5.  The new job
It will still be a MONTH until I start the new gig.  Maybe that this month is the universe helping me to get my shit together before walking back into the inpatient world.  It will be an adjustment -- a HUGE adjustment.  I am excited, nervous and ready for this next step in my career. 

6. Baskets/Bags
This past weekend I sort of created a new system for our household.  I decided to keep every activity in one area of the house.  This seems like simple logic to most but it took me a few years to figure it out.  Life is insanely busy these days so I keep soccer in one basket, boy scouts is in a different basket, swimming stuff has it's own bag.....and that's it for now.  Regardless -- this makes life a lot simpler to keep track of on a day to day basis.  

Enjoy some random pictures from our every day lives.
The bus stop this morning.

Owen asked me to take a picture of his new molar growing in.  YIKES! It hurts me to even look at it.  Before I even took the picture I insisted he take pain meds.  

bahahahaha.  This picture cracks me up.  His face is pissed that I have the flash on and he is completely smushed between kitty and moo.  Last night I found him without his clothes on standing in his crib with a stuffed animal in each arm.  I put him in new pajamas and rocked him for a bit longer (and took this picture).  He was exhausted and not in the mood for camera shenanigans. 

We finally had a paint night!

Saturday, September 3, 2016


1. Celebrating my career
For the past year we have taken time out to celebrate the growth and the milestones of Rouzer Cleaning.  Last night we actually sat down to celebrate MY career.  Yesterday I accepted an offer to be the manager on MRO.  

So here is the quick story on how it all went down.  For a few months I have been searching for a new job.  A new PERFECT job because I would not leave CRCC for something miserable.  About a month ago Julie Painter sent me a message on Facebook asking if I would be interested in being the manager on MRO (my old unit).  I said I would be interested so she told me to apply.  I looked the job up and the hours were listed for 4 days a week, 2pm-12pm.  I didn't apply and let it die there.  That would be a terrible fit for our family.  

A few days later HR called me.  She told me that though I didn't have the experience, but if I was interested she would put my resume through all the hoops and we could go from there. I explained that the hours wouldn't work for me but if those were negotiable I would be interested.  I already had an updated resume so I shot it over ..... and here we are today.  I am now the manager on MRO.  This is a huge step for me and a huge change for our family.  I am really excited to try something different and to have more responsibility.  Yay!!

My goofball husband sharing one of our favorites -- brie and apples.
 2.  3 day weekend
How can I not be grateful for something so wonderful.  We don't have any big plans this weekend except hiking, and hiking makes me happy.

3.  Morning workouts
I actually worked out EVERY day last week.  What?!  Now my body likes to get up at 4am and then go to bed at 8pm.....but besides that little bit of crazy.....I am feeling so much better getting a few minutes of sweat therapy in.

4.  The boys are doing great in school -- I think.
This week Owen said to me, "Mom, I think that we are going to get our books next week."  My mom ordered them Scholastic Books and this is all that he thinks about.  I didn't have to question further...he just kept talking....and said, "I asked my teacher and I think that she said that we get them next week."

So basically, he asked his teacher a question, she replied in fluent Spanish, and then that was that.  He made an educated guess and moved on with the rest of his day...in Spanish.  holy hell.

This week Cameron also told me that I HAVE to learn Spanish by the time he is in third grade.  I replied that the only way that I would learn is if he would teach me -- which we have tried and it doesn't really go well -- they just stare at me and I stare back.  But anyways, he then asked, "Why did you never learn Spanish."  Good question buddy.

I have a feeling this journey is going to be an interesting one.

Um....notice Owen busting out the rings and Cameron up so high I almost had a heart attack.
 5. The battery life on this computer
I have been up for over an hour this morning catching up on emails and random computer stuff.  The battery life has shown that it could die at any second....but it has lasted this entire time.  That makes me happy that I don't have to stand to find the plug.  It's the little things...right?!

One of the many tags from Shelby on Instagram.  This one made me laugh out loud and needed to be reposted.  Oh how our lives have evolved.  Cheers!