Tuesday, November 19, 2024

The Highs

 1. Owen is on VARSITY

My determined, dedicated, and hardworking athlete is on varsity as a freshman.  This past weekend was the first official high school wrestle off for the twins and Owen came out on top.  He knew that 106 was his best bet and he set the goal and started the grind.  It was nerve racking and then extremely exciting.  I had so much fun watching his goal become reality.  Take that back.... I struggled, STRUGGLED, with the weight loss aspect.  I leaned into Jenny Culp (another mom) and stayed on top of his health.  Now that the major cut is over, he has been doing AMAZING keeping his weight.  Wrestling is a crazy ass sport.  I could not be prouder of his hard work. 

2. Week off

I have the entire Monday - Friday off this week.  Usually, I pick up work but since the Cancer Center didn't need me, I decided to just be off.  Today I will get officially caught up on laundry and will try to finish most of Christmas...if not all of Christmas.  We finally have all of our lodging booked for Germany & Prague, but I still want to look at train schedules and things to do besides eat and drink our way through Christmas markets. Ehhhh.... that actually sounds great...

3. The girls

On Friday I went to Amy's house with Laura to just spend time together.  I brought stuff to make Christmas snowflakes and Amy pulled out her laminator.  That means I literally brought over my personal task and asked if they would help.  It turned into the perfect morning of just BEING.  On Monday the three of us went to Shelby's.  We helped fold laundry, Amy gave her bags of girl clothes, and Laura and I continued to work on snowflakes.  I am so grateful for their friendship.  And that they put up with my crazy.

4.  HSE Skyward

I am not sure if it should be a love or a hate relationship with Skyward.  It fully allows me to be a helicopter parent with grades....and it fully allows me to be a helicopter parent with grades.  How did our parents know if we did our assignments?  How did they know if we were doing absolutely nothing.  My only guess is....I did my assignments, so it wasn't an issue.  I am still grateful that I have a heads up and try TRY my best to figure this out without being a helicopter parent.  It's not working but I am super grateful for this crutch.

5.  New Eye Mask

I believe that gift giving is my mother in law's love language.  Every year she spoils us for Christmas, bdays, mother's day....everything.  Since Mike already received one, huge present, I decided to open my presents and use them as they come.  Right now, my new eye mask is my favorite.  I have used an eye mask religiously for years.  Even in a completely dark room.  This one is a bit weighted, silky, and fabulous.  I still look like an old, swollen, wrinkly lady when I wake up.  I am obsessed with sleep and since I will not be pulling the trigger on a $2000 cooling system, this eye mask is the next best thing!

Monday, November 4, 2024


 1. Halloween

Another year of Halloween success.  I love the tradition of hanging out with the Redmans.  The littles went off by themselves and at the end of the night Cameron and his friends showed up for dinner.  It is easy and fun.  We sit outside by the fire while people trick or treat.  

2. Wrestling Tournament 

Early last week I found out there was a tournament in Ohio on Sunday and I was NOT WORKING.  I had Greg sign Owen up, I got Jack to agree on attending, and we traveled to Cincy.  It was a 12-hour day with lots and LOTS of waiting -- but also lots of yatzee.  Jack and I played a ton of games, Owen wrestled great, and I was able to spend time just being together.  

Today is the first official day of high school wrestling plus no CIA tonight.

Also -- here is what I packed for the day. 

3 peanut butter, honey, and chocolate chip sandwiches, 2 PB&J sandwiches, popcorn, 4 drinks, 1 protein coffee, 5 peaches, 3 electrolyte packets, 3 protein bars, 3 fruit snacks, 1 cinnamon bar, 2 bananas, 1 chickpea/quinoa salad, and Halloween candy

But while there I also bought 1 pretzel with cheese, bag of skittles, and chipotle on the way home.  

No - we didn't eat all of this food.  Greg brought his own food as well that I saw Owen eating.  

3. Owen's Hair

I didn't have to pay $90 or $50 (both quotes I received) to bleach Owen's hair.  We did it at home.  It didn't turn out fully miserable.  

4. Driver's Ed

The twins are officially signed up for Driver's Ed.  Cameron has completed 10% of the course.  Owen hasn't signed in.  

5. Harry Potter

Quickly back to Halloween - Jack's new costume, Jack Skeleton, was not comfortable on him.  So, at the very last minute we switched to Harry Potter.  Jack had the robe and wand from Universal this summer.  He refused the glasses or a lighting streak.  So thankful it wasn't a meltdown and was resolved quickly.  Also, we might be able to regift the costume to Grace.  Fingers crossed!