1. Heather
This is the most recent picture at Heather's house...though I do have one from last night of the boys at Top Golf... but this will have to do.
I am so grateful for my friendship with Heather. Over the past few years we have done a lot of life together. I feel like I can truly be my full self and tell her the things going through my head... even the embarrassing, ugly, and TOUGH stuff. She is honest, tells me things I need, and celebrates me on even the smallest victories. I am so grateful to have her as my friend.
2. Driving Lessons
The twins had their first driving lesson on Saturday afternoon. Cameron and Mike headed to the high school while Owen and I started at the elementary parking lot. Then we switched. They both drove the mile home on the road. The next day while driving home from practice they both asked to drive home again. Since they don't have a permit or insurance it was not happening....but still...they were excited! This is going to be a long adventure. Since Owen is having his surgery I have a feeling Cameron will get in a ton of time early.
3. Quick Trip
Last week I had no plans and Mike suggested I make a quick trip to Valpo. I headed there in my comfy clothes and no makeup. It was perfect and exactly what I needed. I plan to do it again soon. It was a lot of driving for a short visit, but well worth it. I listened to a book in the car, had a great lunch, and really enjoyed the time with my grandma.
4. Mike's New Job
Mike started a new job this week and he is really enjoying it so far. He is still doing sales but feels that this is a company that he will be able to grow with and thrive.
5. Laundry Machines and Vacuum Cleaners
So grateful for these two things I use almost every day. I think it's appropriate to say that I use the vacuum cleaner every. single. day. but laundry I will pick a few days of the week. Yesterday it ran all day and today will be the same. Thankfully the twins do their own laundry and Jack puts his away. Don't get me wrong, I am constantly saying to the twins, "put your laundry away" and it drives me bananas. Also, I realized that Jack needs a bit more supervision because when he's done his clothes are still falling off the hangers. I don't remember doing laundry at all while growing up....though I am sure it was exactly the same. I just need to trust that they will figure it all out one day. Today I am focused on Nash's blankets and beds before moving to Mike's laundry.