Sunday, February 28, 2010


1. Take me out to the ball game...
So this might be the boys favorite song. When they were just born and in the NICU I always sang the boys Theta songs. Owen especially loved it. He would almost immediately stop crying. Now they could care less about Theta. They only want to hear "Take me out to the ballgame." They immediately stop crying. (Except while they are in their bath.) I guess Greg was talking to Cameron about spring training this morning. They might be just getting excited for baseball season. **This is an old picture of the boys from when Cameron got home from the hospital.**

2. Coupons
It's Sunday. That means I get to cut coupons. I actually like this task because as I snip away I feel like I am saving money.

3. Watching a movie
Last night we watched Julie and Julia. I made a conscious effort to not do anything but sit and enjoy the movie. The boys didn't sleep to well at the beginning of the night so we had to frequently put the movie on pause but it was nice to just sit and relax.

4. Scrubs
I know that I am very lucky to wear scrubs to work. I don't have to spend money on work clothes are dry cleaning. I can have as many fat days that I want because the pants have ties to adjust the size. What a great thing.

5. Erin collecting Pamper points
A few days ago I was looking at new pictures of Sawyer and noticed boxes and boxes of Pampers in the background. Erin is collecting points for us and we are very HAPPY about it. I have my eye on the Shutterfly rewards so I can get some pictures developed. Thanks sister.

Saturday, February 27, 2010

Saturday Afternoon

1. My new vacuum
My mom took me to Kohls yesterday and armed with coupons she bought me a much needed new vacuum. I have not had time to use it yet since I worked last night but it is all put together and ready to clean the hell out of the house!

2. The boys smiling while the camera is in my hand
So these are the first photos of the boys together AND smiling. I was really excited to get these pictures. Greg reminded me that a month ago I actually shed a few tears because I wanted them to smile at me. I thought that they would never smile.

3. Catherine Wade
Catherine came over last night to help watch the boys before my dad got here. She was great. First I had not seen her since I was pregnant. That alone was nice to catch up even though we only had about 2 minutes to talk before I left. It was so helpful and hopefully we didn't scare her away!
4. The blog to look at during work
So this is really against the rules. When I start to miss the boys I pull up the blog and look at the pictures. It makes me smile every time I do a quick peek.
5. Greg turning into Mr. Mom
Greg is so helpful around the house especially on the weekends. He does all the bottles, watches the boys, and helps me get my sleep. It not only makes me happy, it keeps me sane.

Friday, February 26, 2010


1. Owen's new friends
So this morning after bottles I put Owen in his bouncy seat for a little bit. He loved kicking his legs and watching the animals bounce around. This pictures makes me think that in his little head he think that these guys are his friends.

2. My dad fixing the dryer
So for some reason my dryer always breaks. So yesterday morning I was doing laundry and it the dryer was broken again. My dad was able to fix it so later this morning I will be doing some more folding!

3. Sleep
I know that this is a hot item that frequently makes the list. Every single day when I start to think of five things, sleep makes the list. I am not kidding every single day. I just don't want to write the same thing over and over, but sleep makes me happy. Greg and I are starting to trade it like it is currency. He gets a few hours of sleep now, I get a nap later this afternoon.

4. Free toys for the boys
So this is really great and makes me THRILLED. Yesterday Lisa Goldenberg brought over tons of stuff that her boys don't use. I have put most of it in the garage for now until they need it so I can pull it out and clean it. Hello....she even gave them a car! I probably won't even give them a car. Then I went over to have a play date with Tonya and Shelby and she gave us tons of cute clothes, toys and two walkers. It is crazy. Our house is just filled with fun stuff. Thank you guys so much. That makes me happy AND the boys happy.

5. Tonya and Shelby
So as I mentioned in the post above we had a play date yesterday. Tonya has twin boys who are one and run circles around Cameron and Owen. They were so sweet and their energy just wore my boys out. It was also nice to sit and talk with adults (who are not at work or named Greg.) I can't wait until we do it again. And soon my boys will actually be PLAYING with Ethan and Johnny, not just staring at them.

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Good Morning

1. Getting this done first thing in the morning
So even though I don't mind writing the blog, it is very hard to make time every day to sit down and write. I know that I will later enjoy this online diary and the time during the day helps me to relax. But like I said, it is hard to find time to sit and write. It is 7:36 right now and I'm pretty happy to be getting it done and moving on to the next task for the day.

2. Cameron falling back asleep after his morning feeding
We are trying to figure out a feeding schedule for the boys. (They like to get up at 6am!) This morning they ate at 6:30 and Cameron almost immediately feel asleep. Owen is drifting in his swing right now. I am sitting with my coffee starting laundry, dishes, and email.

3. Aunt Pam picked up the frozen breast milk
So my parent's freezer is completely filled with frozen breast milk. We stopped giving it to the boys a couple of months ago because of the spit up. When I tried to introduce it back they were acting like it was poison. They would scream bloody murder. So needless to say, I stopped again. It has been a few months and the frozen breast milk needs to be in a deep freezer to continue being good. Last night Aunt Pam picked it up from my parent's house so now it is all in her deep freeze. My plan is to mix it with their rice cereal in a few short months when they start eating solids!

4. Getting sleep last night
I got home from work at midnight and started getting ready for bed. The boys were already feed and down for the night. Owen still woke up at around 2am, wide-eyed and ready to play so we put him into a swing (that evidently had dead batteries) in our room. He slept until about 5:45am. Then I brought him out to the living room to sleep in his boppy but at that time Cameron woke up and we ate instead. As I write this I am realizing that I didn't get much sleep.....oh well. Last night still made me happy.

5. My laptop
I am sitting on my couch, in my living room, with a computer on my lap. I am comfortable and if I wanted to turn on the TV I could enjoy that too. I don't have any wires connected and I am still able to connect to the Internet which works pretty quickly. Goodness, we are a long way from the AOL dial up that we had in high school. It makes you wonder what these boys will be doing in 10 years with the forever changing technology.

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Damn we look good

1. Emily Gosser
Emily makes me happy for a millon reasons. We have been friends for a long time. Well when Greg broke his ankle and was unable to walk she offered her services to us...AT HOME. So now Emily comes to our house and cuts our hair. I don't think she knows how grateful I am for this. First, she isn't cutting hair right now because she is pregnant. Second, we are so poor we wouldn't be able to get our hair cut without her. Third, she is fun to be around. Thank you Emily. We are lovin' the cuts!

2. My 30 minute massage
So we found a 3 year old gift certificate for a massage. (Yes--I know what you are thinking.) I went this afternoon and it was fantastic. The good thing about this whole thing is that we have a SECOND gift certificate. The 30 minutes were so relaxing that I felt sleepy driving home.

3. Pictures of the boys
So when I get pictures developed or look through old pictures it always makes me smile. This is the picture that I am using right now in my book as a bookmark. They are both sleeping on my pillow and just look so cute. I know that I am biased...but hey.

4. My house finally being clean again
So Amy and Stacy were here a few weeks ago and cleaned the house. It was great. They came, cleaned, and left. This is the first time that I have cleaned since they were here. It was MUCH needed. I am feeling so much better now that the task is over.

5. Being able to pick up extra hours at work
So even though work is work, I am happy that I have the opportunity to pick up extra hours for the income. They called about an hour ago and I am going into work for 4 hours this evening.

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

It's time for a bath

1. When the boys are done with their bath
Both boys HATE taking baths. They scream bloody murder. It is a very stressful few minutes in my life. I am thrilled to take them out, wrap them in the towel, and move into a different room to get changed.

2. Sleeping at night
Even though we all eventually move into the living room, the boys are still sleeping. It is great. We are feeding them more in their bottles and less bottles throughout the day. They didn't eat for 10 hours last night and they were still all smiles this morning when I finally started to prepare their bottles.

3. No-bake oatmeal cookies
After I had the babies I had a craving for no-bake oatmeal cookies. Yum. Goodness, it makes my mouth water to even think about them. Well my mom has been trying for awhile to make them and she has been unsuccessful until now! Today I recieved a huge bag of cookies. They are almost gone. (I am not pumping anymore so I need to stop eating but I just got up and got one...they are AMAZING.)

4. Coke rewards points
This is sort of like the pampers points. Obviously free stuff makes me happy. (And if you have any extra points send them our way.)

5. Supportive friends and family
If I am ever feeling sad or overwhelmed I immediately think of the people who are helping me and making a difference in my life. It is wonderful to think about and I am so grateful to have so many great friends. People who I haven't talked to in years are writing me emails with free formula. It is awesome. This help has been generous, helpful, and much needed. Thank you.

Monday, February 22, 2010

Smiles all around

1. Cameron's smiling face
It has been so fun to have the boys start smiling at us. It feels like they are communicating. It is so sweet. I don't even know what we are going to do when they start to talk. I bet that the video camera will be following them around everywhere! I just got these pictures of Cameron while I was waiting for my computer to start.

2. The start of another week with the boys
The weekend is over! I am so looking forward to another week hanging out with my men. I had a good weekend at work but I am thrilled to be home.

3. The MDA clinic
I know that Greg mentioned this yesterday in his post but I am happy about it today as well. This morning he went to clinic and got a full work up. I was exhausted and I am sure asking silly questions since I was up all night but we left with four follow up appointments.

4. Erin bought us new clothes
So we have been borrowing clothes for the first three months from Sarah Minges. She offered us the next size up but right now I don't think we need her whole bin of clothes. (We only needed a few more sleepers.) I had mentioned this to Erin a few weeks back and she made a trip to Target and bought us some new gear. They are so stinkin' cute and I can't wait to get them washed and on their bodies. Very generous~and makes me very happy.

5. Getting the mail
I don't know if I already put this on the blog but getting the mail everyday makes me happy. I am not sure why. Maybe it is because I am getting stir crazy this winter, or maybe I am just strange. Regardless it is a little thing that I look forward to (like my 65 year old neighbors.) Don't worry--I don't look out the window and wait.

Sunday, February 21, 2010

Hey Ladies!

Katie is working again tonight so I will be subbed in off the bench again today.

1. MDA
Tomorrow I am going to see the MDA doctor. This just reminds me why I have a funny jewish man tattooed on my leg. The MDA organization spearheaded by comedian Jerry Lewis is always there for you. When younger kids need a break, they run camp. When you need equipment they have things you can borrow or they can help you buy them. When you need to see a doctor for any reason, they provide the clinic. Faced with a disease of unknowns MDA is a rock. "You'll never walk alone."

2. My car
Last year I was devastated when I totalled my '98 Accord, I loved that car. However I now rock a 2009 Mitsubishi Outlander and it has been great for us. It is higher off the ground allowing easy access for me, a mobile me. It has more room for two car seats, yes my car looks like a mom mobile. It has the big trunk with the fold down tailgate which has been clutch for loading the scooter I am currently cruising around in. As a bonus, after 6 weeks I am able to drive it again and baby it the way no one else can.

3. Owen's good looks
I keep hearing that Owen looks just like his Dad. Being that his Dad is so darn handsome I am grateful he will carry on the good looks. It can be tough being a ladies man like him and his brother will be, good thing they have their Dad to show them the way. It also for some reason makes you feel good when you hear your baby looks like you.
4. Fruit Roll-Ups (strawberry flavor only)
One of the best inventions of all time, the fruit roll-up. Easy to eat, tastes amazing and it can last as long as you want, when consumed correctly. It is basically a small taste of heaven rolled into fruity goodness. I cant get enough of them.

5. Katie's willingness to work weekends
While most of us "enjoy" working for the weekend Katie is working on the weekend. At first I thought this was the worst idea ever, but I have been wrong before, rarely, but it has happened. She only has to work two days a week and is able to be with the boys 5 days a week. Isn't being a nurse the way to go? Working 12 hour night shifts has to be rough especially losing your weekends as well. Katie however does it so she can be the best wife and Mom possible.

Saturday, February 20, 2010

If you just smile

Katie is working tonight and she asked the real writer to fill in for her tonight on her blog. So I (Greg) will be handling "duties" tonight. These are things I am grateful for and I would think Katie too but if not too bad for her.

1. Cheering on the Bulldogs
We won, obv. 70-53. Siena kept it close for a half but they will have to enjoy the NIT, and can watch us on TV in March. It was also great to be back on campus, its such a nice looking school. We also had a little "conversation" with some Cops, I guess some things never change. Can you say power trip?

2. Cameron being happy to see us
Owen and I have been smiling and "talking" with each other for a week or so now. Cameron however has seemed reluctant to smile purposefully for anyone but Grandpa McGuire. Today when we returned from the game he saw his Mom and was so happy and smiley. Then he saw Dad and gave a big smile again. Melts your heart.

3. The 2010 Winter Olympics
Being that its winter, I have fallen victim to the ghost of presidents past and am home all the time I love having something to watch. I have always enjoyed watching the Olympics but watching on my current TV with my boys makes it that much better. I watch anything Olympics so much that Katie asked me if I thought it was my civic duty to watch them. "No girl! I am watching to see someone be the best in the world at something." I don't care what discipline that is in its impressive. USA! USA!

4. Unlimited Texts Plan
First of all if you don't have Verizon, you're dumb and I probably don't call or text you much. I love my unlimited text plan. Without it I would not be able to talk to all that I do. I also would have to small talk with people that have no need for that BS. It has also given me a great excuse to take a million pictures on my phone and send them to my family and other Chicagoans (on Verizon.)

5. Willie Veasley
Veasley from Freeport, IL (I have partied there) is the winningest player in Butler University history, with games remaining. Big Willie (he is not tall but plays big) has gone from the role of assignment defender, to rebounder, to shooter and now to all around baller. On senior day today some fans may ignore his departure but I will miss him and so will the Dawgs. B-U...T-L-E...R you a Bulldog?..Hell yeah!

Friday, February 19, 2010


1. The Sun is Out Today
Oh my gosh how happy I am that the sun is out today. It is warming the house, melting the snow, and it reminds me that winter will soon end! I ran to the post office, Kroger, and gas station this afternoon and I was wishing that my errands lasted all day.

2. Family Nap
So this morning we were exhausted. We made a new breakfast sandwich for breakfast, cleaned the dishes, and were ready to start the day all before 8am. (That is very early for us!) So we decided to take a nap. We put the boys in their swings in our room and all four of us slept. It was awesome. Greg and I actually feel very refreshed.

3. Prune Juice
Not for me--for the boys. The formula that we use helps for spit-up and therefore thickens in the stomach. This makes them constipated. This morning they both need a small dose of prune juice and it worked. They pooped!

4. Grey's Anatomy
Thank you to Kelly McCarthy for insisting that I watch this show. It has been a few years now and I still love it. It was on last night and though it wasn't the best episode in the world it was still enjoyable to watch.

5. Playing games with Greg
Greg and I have always enjoyed board and card games together. Last night the boys went to sleep and we were able to play a few games of Yahtzee. It was nice to reconnect.

Thursday, February 18, 2010

It's 5 o'clock somewhere

1. My dad helping us watch the boys at the drop of a hat
This one goes without saying. Every day I am grateful that my dad is able to help us out. I am able to call and he comes right over. It really can't get any better than that. He stays over night, he comes early in the morning, he comes whenever we need. What a wonderful grandpa!

2. Pampers Points
I am a little strange because I think that putting in my pampers codes into the computer is fun. I like to look at the rewards and get excited to use more diapers to put in more points. Yeah strange.

3. The West Wing
Greg and I are going through the series together. We are on Season 3, Disc 4. We did this last winter for the Sopranos. As you could guess, we haven't watched much West Wing lately but there is an episode playing right now. It is sort of familiar in our constantly changing lives.

4. My new box
I went to TJ Maxx today to find some 3-6 month pants for the boys. I instead found a cute little outfit and a new box. The box was only $5 and I LOVE it. I am putting diapers and wipes in it to keep in the living room. It has really bright, fun colors so to me it adds a little extra life into the living room.

5. Starbucks, White Chocolate Mocha.
Yum. I have not had one of these is a few months. Goodness even just thinking about it is making my mouth water. We are really saving our dollars right now so a five dollar drink is a bit much. Just wanted to add this to the list. This drink makes me very, very happy.

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Pure Exhaustion

1. Food from Laurie and Maggie
Laurie brought us over chili and chicken marsala this afternoon. It was great to visit with her and we recently ran out of food so that is extra special.

2. Owen's rash going away
So Julie the PT and Patrick, Amy's fiance, both think that he has fifths disease. After reading about it online we think he does/did too. But no need to fear. His rash is going away and he looks cuter than ever right now. He is sitting up against the couch next to me. I would post a picture but I am just too tired.

3. Bud Light
After a day of crying, trying to get the boys to nap in their cribs, and little sleep...a bud light is VERY refreshing.

4.Greg's ankle is healed
The verdict is back. The ankle is not broken anymore!!!! It still hurts Greg and he is not able to walk but no more boot.

5. Butler Basketball
It has been hard not going to any games this year. We are going to the game on Saturday and we are both pretty excited. A game is about to start right now but I admit that hopefully I will be asleep before it ends. I never realized how TIRED these boys make me.

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Where is the manual?

1. Kara
So last night Owen developed this rash over his entire body. I was in the middle of making dinner when we noticed. I started to freak out and immediately called Kara. Your cousin being your pediatrician is a wonderful thing. I don't really understand how you are supposed to know what to do with your newborn. You just sort of guess. You can read books, but where is the chapter on Owen's rash? So anyways, calling Kara made me happy. And tomorrow if he is still having this rash that keeps growing we are taking him to see her in the office.

2. Walker Research

Today I went to Walker Research and did a focus group on bagels and english muffins. I was there for an hour. I ate bagels, english muffins, and cookies. I got paid $75. Oh happy day!

3. Alone time with each boy
Yesterday I had time to sit with each boy individually and read some books. It was really nice to spend time with each one and not have worry about the other one crying.

4. The Last Day of Greg's Boot
We have been looking forward to tomorrow for six weeks. Greg's boot will finally come off. We are both very excited.

5. Owen loves to smile and interact
In the past few days Owen has really started to smile and interact. Every time we put the camera in his face he stops. But trust me, it is cute. It would make YOU happy to see it too. Instead I am putting these pictures from Valentines Day and this afternoon when the boys were taking a short snooze on the couch.

Monday, February 15, 2010


1. Justine being understanding of my nonsense
Justine comes at 6:30pm on Sunday and leaves at 1pm on Monday. I get home around 745am and immediately go to sleep. Well for some reason today I thought Justine would stay until 1:30 pm and so I kept sleeping. I am glad that she is understanding and just rolls with it. We had her out of here by 1:15 or 1:20. I still don't even know what I was thinking.

2. Doing a code consult before my patient actually coded

3. Erin is doing well with Sawyer
I know that it is hard to have a newborn. I am glad that Erin is doing well and enjoying this time with Sawyer. For me that time feels like a distant memory even though it was less than four months ago. It is exhausting. You can see the pure exhaustion in my face when I was holding Owen. The boys were so little.

4. That I don't have to go back to work until Saturday
Even though the weekend schedule can really suck during the weekend...I have the entire week off. I feel like it can't get much better than that.

5. Chicken Salad
The day shift had a pitch-in and Tiffany Childress made chicken salad. I had that for dinner last night and it was so good. I think that I am going to actually get the recipe and make some during the summer. Yum.

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Sunday Afternoons

1. When the babies poop
Yes. This makes me excited, happy, relieved. They have problems pooping so right now, I LOVE changing poopy diapers.

2. Diet Coke
Refreshing. I can't get enough. I just had one and I am about to open another one.

3. The cradle swing
Sarah Minges told me to put one on my registry and I am so glad that I did. The boys love this swing. It is their baby crack. I just wish that we had two. This makes me happy and them happy.

4. Greg letting me get sleep
The weekend shift is wonderful (during the week.) I don't have to work and I can be home with the boys. The weekend BLOWS. I am exhausted and mentally fighting myself to stay up or go to sleep. Greg says that I become a different person. I was having a small breakdown this morning and he made me go straight to bed. What a good husband.

5. Rhonda Floyde
So have worked with Rhonda for a few years now. She has gone out of her way to help us with the twins and with Greg being out of work. Every week she brings our family more goodies. She has given us clothes, purchased formula and diapers, and this week she gave us ANOTHER package of diapers. She has been so helpful and makes me very happy.

Saturday, February 13, 2010

Let the Games Begin

1. Abby and JK
They came over last night to help Greg watch the boys while I went to work. It was nice to introduce of boys to them and to have some new, fun faces to hang out with Greg. They ate dinner, watched the Olympic opening ceremony, and put the boys to bed. So happy to have them as friends.

2. Empty laundry baskets
It means all the laundry is done, folded, and put away.

3. Long, uninterrupted sleep
I don't think that an explanation is needed.

4. Frozen Pizza
It is easy to just throw pizza in the oven, do something else, have something good to eat, and then only have two plates for dishes. Very easy.

5. That I don't have to pump anymore
Erin is just starting her breastfeeding and pumping experience. I do not miss that at all. Well actually, I miss being able to eat bags of candy and not gaining a pound. So keep pumping Erin. You will be SKINNY.

Friday, February 12, 2010


1. My husband washing the bottles
At times I feel like all we do is laundry and wash bottles. This morning my husband took one for the team. (As he has done many times in the past, and will do many times in the future.)

2. Getting books from the library
Though I don't have much time to read, today I picked up some books. I look forward to reading Healthy Sleep Habits, Happy Twins. Soon I will post that I am happy that the boys are sleeping through the night.

3. New baby clothes
Well the clothes are not new...but new to us. It was sad to pack up the 0-3 month clothes but dressing the boys in all new outfits has been fun. We are HAPPY for the hand-me downs.

4. DVR
During our feedings it is nice to watch last night's episodes of Grey's and the Mentalist.

5. Coffee
I just started drinking coffee the second day Cameron was home from the hospital. It really is a "pick me up." I have started learning how much cream & sugar that I use, and exactly how much to make. Love it!

Thursday, February 11, 2010

The First Five

1. My husband's random memory of numbers
I just showed Greg the blog and the first thing he said was, "Why did you pick the number 34?" It was random. Other numbers were taken. He started to list off why 34 was important in our lives. It was Walter Payton's number, it was the number he used during roulette to win lots of money.......and then I stopped listening.

2. Our Graco Monitor
I am able to hear everything that happens in the boys room. Everything.

3. Comfy Maternity Pants
Yes. I still wear my comfy sweatpants. (And I am wearing them right now.) I had to send the jeans to Erin or I would still be wearing those too. I have had many interventions....but I still wear them.

4. Sarah M.
I work with Sarah and she almost single-handedly supplied the boys wardrobe from 0-3 months. I packed up her stuff today. So, so grateful.

5. This blog
It is essentially a free journal that can also store pictures.

The Grateful Life

Cameron and Owen

Sawyer James Harris

I am creating this blog to help me document the small things that happen everyday. Erin just had Sawyer on Monday and he is so little. I pulled out my left over preemie diapers to send to her and I can't believe the boys were THIS little. Cameron and Owen are HUGE. I want to make sure I take time to think of the little things...and then not forget.

This picture of the boys was taken today. I was surprised that the boys still fit in the boppy together. My plan for the blog is to write 5 things I am grateful for daily (hopefully daily.)