Thursday, February 25, 2010

Good Morning

1. Getting this done first thing in the morning
So even though I don't mind writing the blog, it is very hard to make time every day to sit down and write. I know that I will later enjoy this online diary and the time during the day helps me to relax. But like I said, it is hard to find time to sit and write. It is 7:36 right now and I'm pretty happy to be getting it done and moving on to the next task for the day.

2. Cameron falling back asleep after his morning feeding
We are trying to figure out a feeding schedule for the boys. (They like to get up at 6am!) This morning they ate at 6:30 and Cameron almost immediately feel asleep. Owen is drifting in his swing right now. I am sitting with my coffee starting laundry, dishes, and email.

3. Aunt Pam picked up the frozen breast milk
So my parent's freezer is completely filled with frozen breast milk. We stopped giving it to the boys a couple of months ago because of the spit up. When I tried to introduce it back they were acting like it was poison. They would scream bloody murder. So needless to say, I stopped again. It has been a few months and the frozen breast milk needs to be in a deep freezer to continue being good. Last night Aunt Pam picked it up from my parent's house so now it is all in her deep freeze. My plan is to mix it with their rice cereal in a few short months when they start eating solids!

4. Getting sleep last night
I got home from work at midnight and started getting ready for bed. The boys were already feed and down for the night. Owen still woke up at around 2am, wide-eyed and ready to play so we put him into a swing (that evidently had dead batteries) in our room. He slept until about 5:45am. Then I brought him out to the living room to sleep in his boppy but at that time Cameron woke up and we ate instead. As I write this I am realizing that I didn't get much sleep.....oh well. Last night still made me happy.

5. My laptop
I am sitting on my couch, in my living room, with a computer on my lap. I am comfortable and if I wanted to turn on the TV I could enjoy that too. I don't have any wires connected and I am still able to connect to the Internet which works pretty quickly. Goodness, we are a long way from the AOL dial up that we had in high school. It makes you wonder what these boys will be doing in 10 years with the forever changing technology.

1 comment:

  1. Katie- I love your daily posts! Life is so hectic and it seems like I'm always worrying about things that aren't going my way or how I wish I could change things and I think we all forget to just be grateful for what we do have. So your little blog helps me "turn it down a notch" and really acknowledge the little things each day that are worth smiling about :) Plus, you've given me a fun new topic for my blog! Keep 'em coming! -Baker
