Wednesday, August 11, 2010


1. Twins in the tub
Tonight was the first time the boys took a bath together in a real bath tub. They loved it.

2. Dinner
We had dinner at my parents tonight. It included spaghetti from Maggianos. I think that I am the only one who ate...ALL OF IT. Yum.

3. Night
The day is almost over. My eyes were heavy and I decided to get off my lazy butt and come post these photos. Glad to be asleep soon and start again tomorrow.

4. Sweets
So I must of been craving sweets last weekend went I went to Walmart quickly before work. Here is a list of what I purchased: sugar cookies that you bake, cinnamon rolls, raspberry lemonade, mini candy bars, and cake mix. Yes....this is for real. I obviously bought more than that but I think that it is starting to go to my hips.

5. Holding the BOTTLE!!!
So Cameron is consistently and successfully grabbing and holding his own bottle. To be honest I didn't know if this day would ever come. He has no interest in doing something that someone else will do for him...that little stinkpot. Anyways...only I would cherish these little victories.

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