Wednesday, October 6, 2010


1. Apple Pie
I made apple pie for the first time last week. It turned out pretty good. I still have tons of apples left.

2. The boys are at my feet
So this doesn't happen every day...but most. The boys want to hang out with me most of the time. (Which wonderful.) When I was making the apple pie they were just sitting at my feet so I opened up the cabinets. As you can cooking station on the counter and my little men right there at my feet.

3. Wednesday
This week has been dragging for me. I haven't worked out, the boys have been sick, and nap time has not been on schedule. I actually can't even believe it is only Wednesday!

4. Bananas
These are Owen's new cheerios. His eyes light up and he starts to get excited when he sees me grab a banana.

5. Therapy
Cameron still has therapy twice a week. The hour gives me a workout. I have to keep Owen occupied not in the toy room, but still keep my eye on Cameron to see what is happening. Owen's only goal for the hour is to play with Julie or Linda (the therapists) and all of the toys that they bring. So basically he is in my arms for an hour. This picture is from therapy yesterday morning.

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