Wednesday, December 15, 2010

A day in the life

1. Tubes were a success!!
Last week Cameron got tubes in his ears. We were in and out of the surgery center so quickly that we were able to catch a great sunrise on the way home. He has been in great spirits, just his normal whiny self. He is going to be a handful in the future. He really wants....what HE wants.

2. Laughter
I love when the house is filled with laughter. Now that Cameron is feeling better it seems to be a lot more joyful. The boys LOVE to be chased and scared. We are always able to get huge belly laughs out of these two little ones with these those two games.
Below is a frequent image of Owen that always makes me laugh. He just sits with the blanket on his head. I will take a quick peak of the toy room and he is just sitting there. He also crawls around and plays with the blanket on his head. He cocks his head whatever way he needs in order to see the toy, yet still have his blue blanket on his head. Should I be nervous?

3. Childproof
Since I am in the kitchen a are the boys. Mat was able to put latches on all of the important cabinets so we don't have to worry about what they are getting into. Trust me it is nice to not have cookbooks all over the floor or Pledge in the babies mouth! (No...the Pledge didn't happen.)

4. Cameron is taking off!!
Owen is usually the shinning start of gross motor skills. Cameron has taken a huge leap and almost caught up with his brother. He isn't taking any steps on his own but I think that in a few weeks he will be daring enough to take that first step. He was essentially released from Occupational Therapy and the physical therapist is very impressed with his improvement. Yay to Cameron!!! This is a picture of him walking with grandpa through the kitchen.
I don't know if I posted that the boys have been repeating words. The first purposeful word was from Cameron. He says "uh oh" all the time after dropping toys or his sippy cup during mealtime. They both repeat words a ton and it has been fun teaching them to talk.
5. Chicago
This was a busy weekend. On Thursday we took the boys up to Valpo to see my grandparents. Oh how I love staying there. It is peaceful with GREAT food. The boys had grown so much since our last visit. On Friday afternoon my parents met Greg so the boys could spend time with him in Chicago and Mat and I took a train into the city. We had a great weekend. Grateful to get out of the house and spend time in the city.
Here are some more pictures of our normal lives. This one of the toy room is how they like to play...with toys EVERYWHERE. I clean it every night after they go to bed, and this is what they create throughout the day. Oh...and it doesn't take long for this masterpiece.

Yep...that is a box of wipes ripped apart. He was pretty proud of himself. And that dragon toy in the back is one of the boys favorites.

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