Thursday, December 22, 2011


1. I am updating the blog
This is my THIRD post for the month of December.  Sad.  To be will probably be my last this month.  That being said, I had 72 pictures to choose from for this post.  It ended up with 20.  This first picture is from the Children's Muesum last week.  It is perfect.  Owen going to attack Cameron and then Cameron getting prepared. 

2. Making cookies with the Fangs
Just be aware...these pictures did not turn out well.  We had a great afternoon last week decorating cookies.  It was a hit.  All five kids had a great time and it is always good to catch up with Steph.  Also, I LOVE how all of the kids play together.  It actually gives me a nice break!

3. Christmas Eve
The boys will be at Greg's this year for Christmas.  I will be at work.  I wanted to make the holiday special in our house even though we are not celebrating on the 25th.  I ended up having the family on Tuesday night for a quick playdate.  We had so much fun.  It was nice seeing everyone and enjoying the season.

**We just made small little pizzas with many different toppings.  It was a hit.  (Thank you Emily for the idea!)**

3. Cookies for Santa
Glad that the boys were not having a major melt down and we were able to teach them about cookies for Santa.  Owen did not want to give his cookie up (like his mom) but after a few tears...he did.  They were so so so stinking cute in the morning when they saw the empty plates and all the presents.  Cameron did the exhagerated "WOW" while he opened everything. 

4. Christmas morning
Wednesday we celebrated Christmas morning.  I woke up with a terrible stomach bug but my WONDERFUL parents helped take the reigns.  Then Mat came over late morning and helped into the afternoon.  Glad to say that the bug lasted just 24 hours but sad to say that I did not get many pictures. 

5. My student loan will be PAID in a bit over a week
Well...let me get this clear.  One of the two loans.  But hey...still one of the two.  It was my goal to get it paid off by the end of the year.  One more pay check and I think that it will be DONE.  Hopefully I don't jinx myself...but I have been picking up lots and LOTS of extra work to accomplish this goal and want to give you a sneak peak into my happiness! 

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

No list

Life has been exhausting lately.  Goodness I feel like I just never get a break.  I know that it is the holiday season but I don't want to blame it on that.  It is just busy.  Even sitting down to write this blog has been challenging.  I think that I will quickly explain the pictures and go from there. 

I decided to make oatmeal cookies one day last week.  Cameron wanted to help for a little bit but Owen stayed for the entire process.  He enjoyed eating the dough better than anything else (just like his mom)!

Right now there is dancing Snoopy doll in the gym that is half way from the door to the child care center.  This is the boys sitting with their apples watching Snoopy dance on our way out of the gym last week.  They get apples every time we leave the gym.  I think that it helps them walk out instead of insisting that I carry them.

This picture of Owen might be why I feel exhausted frequently.

This is an indoor playground that we visited this week with Tanya and the boys.  It is Zionsville and it was FREE.  It was nice to get out of the house.  I think that it is going to be a LONG winter.

Sorry that I am not writing more.  On to the next thing in our house....laundry!  The boys are growing like crazy and learning so much.  They are very inquisitive and opinionated.  We are having the Fangs over for a play date this afternoon and maybe going to the pool this morning. 

Thursday, December 8, 2011


1. My Dad
He frequently makes the list and this week is no different.  I took a short trip to Denver and my dad watched the boys while I was gone.  Knowing that they were in good hands and having tons of fun makes it easier to be away.  Here are some pictures that my dad took at Monkey Joe's.  It was their first trip and it looks like they really enjoyed the time.  Thank you so much for everything dad!!

2. My home
I can not stress enough how grateful I am to live in my home with these boys.  We are able to just sit, play, color, and have fun.  We have heat, running water, food, and toys to play with.  We have clothes that fit and a TV to watch with LOTS of channels.  Right now I am sitting in front of my Christmas tree and know that there is a room full of wrapped presents for the boys and our family.  Very blessed and very grateful.

**This isn't the best picture but wanted to put it in.  I was trying to get a good picture that morning but Owen did not want me to take the pacifier out of his mouth. 

3. Spending time with the Harris Family
It had been 4 long weeks but I finally made it out to Denver to meet Eloise and help Erin and Jess as much as possible.  I forgot how the "every three hour feeding" only really gave you a 2 hour time frame to get anything done around the house.  I forgot how TINY newborn babies are and they don't help you while changing their clothes to get them dressed.  I forgot how sweet a newborn is when they are all swaddled and just lying on your chest asleep.  I loved spending time with my sister and grateful that I was able to help fold laundry and do dishes.  Oh...and I might of gained five pounds with all of the food they gave me.  We were busy every minute of the day but here is a quick picture of us right after Erin did a feeding.

I was also able to snap a picture during the adult "date night."  I felt like I was back in college.  I was babysitting and eating all of the good food out of the fridge.  (I am holding up the ice cream while they watch a movie). Classic. 
Thank you for the great visit!!
4. 13 days
Santa is coming to our house in 13 days.  Since the boys are going to be at Greg's over Christmas Santa is coming a few days early.  Be jealous. 
5. Flavored cream
Coffee is a frequent item that makes my list.  At the least I make it every morning but usually twice a day.  It is a constant in my life.  Love it.  My recent visit to Erin's reminded me how much I adore my flavored cream as well.  My sugar free hazelnut cream is always stocked in my fridge.  I usually have a back up just in case I run out. Right now I have a total of 3 cream bottles in there.  Anyways....being without flavored cream for a few days just reminded me how amazing it really is.  Absence makes the heart grow fonder.
One more thing....this morning we were coloring.  Owen started counting his colored pencils.  No joke.  Though he was a tad off I was still impressed and it gave me a huge smile.  "5, 8, 9, 10." Loved it.

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Santa is the MAN

1. Santa
I think that I should of started reading the Christmas books and started talking about Santa a bit earlier.  Cameron who now LOVES the man did not have fun when we went for a visit yesterday morning.  My mom met us at the mall and took these great pictures.  The last picture is the one we purchased.  I took a picture of it with my cell phone.  (Way quicker than scanning!!)  And this was $17.  One 5x7.  $17.

2. Cameron's new smile
I am extremely grateful that the boys are actually looking into the camera (at times) when I ask.  They will also give a smile (at times).  Cameron is doing this great thing where he is shutting is eyes so he can barely see.  Sometimes he shuts them all the way.  It makes me laugh out loud everytime and then give him a kiss.  This kid is so freaking cute.  Anyways, here is one of the smiles while we were at my parents house.  They were not allowed to eat the Gogurt on the carpet.  This was their solution.
I also added so more pictures of the MUCH loved grandparents.  I am just so grateful for their love and support.

3. The pose
I made the boys sit with the sock monkeys again.  I tried to find the ORIGINAL picture with the boys and the monkeys.  It took me to long to scroll through all the old posts are just stuck with these! 

I was asking them to put their hands down.  **They are still learning up and down***
Here is another picture of Cameron.  Just LOVE his new smile.  He was coloring during nap time.  Oh, and he knows all of his colors.  

3. Not potty training yet
I have two books in my possesion from the library, I purchased two identical potties for Christmas, and I even purchased an Elmo book that makes noises all about the potty.  Quick forwarning...this is a long story.  I decided to give the boys potty stuff for Christmas.  They don't need much so this was the idea.  The stuff is already wrapped.  Well last night we were playing in the toy room and Owen got a panicked look on his face and said, "poop.  poop?"  He confirmed that he was pooping and wanted to go to the big boy potty.  He ran is little butt there and we got on.  Now a few things...he had already gone in his diaper.  AND the last time I asked if he wanted to go to the "big boy potty" he said no with a terrified look on his face.  Back to the story...we got him up there, put the stool under his feet, and he tried to poop some more.  He then let me wipe him with toliet paper, flushed the toliet, and washed his hands.  He was on top of the world and I am a proud mom. 

This is him asking for a pacifer. 

So last night I decided if he was interested again in the morning we would unwrap the potties and have at it.  I really do not want to try for a few more months but if he is ready...he is ready.  Good news.  He had no interest today.  I asked a couple of times, he pooped in his diaper, he never mentioned it again, AND the Christmas presents are still wrapped.
4.  They watch TV
I have no idea what happened but something happened.  They are now watching TV.  Holy moly...I know.  I actually turn the TV off.  Yes.  Someone gave them some type of TV pill.  That or they LOVE Chip and Dale. 
5. Communication
I am sure that I have blogged about this before.  I have been waiting and waiting for the boys to start communicating more.  Those days have come.  I say, "use your words," and they do.  They say the things that they see, they repeat everything, and they learn more words every day.  "Mine" is a favorite out of Owen's mouth.  That boys claims EVERYTHING.