1. I am updating the blog
This is my THIRD post for the month of December. Sad. To be honest....it will probably be my last this month. That being said, I had 72 pictures to choose from for this post. It ended up with 20. This first picture is from the Children's Muesum last week. It is perfect. Owen going to attack Cameron and then Cameron getting prepared.
2. Making cookies with the Fangs
Just be aware...these pictures did not turn out well. We had a great afternoon last week decorating cookies. It was a hit. All five kids had a great time and it is always good to catch up with Steph. Also, I LOVE how all of the kids play together. It actually gives me a nice break!
3. Christmas Eve
The boys will be at Greg's this year for Christmas. I will be at work. I wanted to make the holiday special in our house even though we are not celebrating on the 25th. I ended up having the family on Tuesday night for a quick playdate. We had so much fun. It was nice seeing everyone and enjoying the season.
**We just made small little pizzas with many different toppings. It was a hit. (Thank you Emily for the idea!)**
3. Cookies for Santa
Glad that the boys were not having a major melt down and we were able to teach them about cookies for Santa. Owen did not want to give his cookie up (like his mom) but after a few tears...he did. They were so so so stinking cute in the morning when they saw the empty plates and all the presents. Cameron did the exhagerated "WOW" while he opened everything.
4. Christmas morning
Wednesday we celebrated Christmas morning. I woke up with a terrible stomach bug but my WONDERFUL parents helped take the reigns. Then Mat came over late morning and helped into the afternoon. Glad to say that the bug lasted just 24 hours but sad to say that I did not get many pictures.
5. My student loan will be PAID in a bit over a week
Well...let me get this clear. One of the two loans. But hey...still one of the two. It was my goal to get it paid off by the end of the year. One more pay check and I think that it will be DONE. Hopefully I don't jinx myself...but I have been picking up lots and LOTS of extra work to accomplish this goal and want to give you a sneak peak into my happiness!