Thursday, February 3, 2011

It has been bad.

1. The bathroom is ALMOST finished
My dad and Mat put a lot of work into the bathroom over the past week and it looks GREAT. The only thing left to purchase is towels and a bathmat. I have them picked out from World Market but waiting for bath accessories to go on sale. (Hopefully this won't take months!) My budget was $500 and I think that it will be around $600 when it is all said and done. I am waiting for the true "after" pictures once I get my new towels.

Here are some pictures of the boys playing with the vanity box and tape that my dad give them to occupy time.

***Please note the giraffe in the background. It is a favorite toy amongst the adults.
2. CUTE!!
I am obsessed with the boys. OBSESSED. To me the are so stinkin' cute. Here is a picture of Owen's hair slicked over...with jelly. Yes. They had PB&J one day for lunch last Saturday it go in his hair. When my dad tried to get it out, he slicked it to the side. We forgot to wash it out of his hair before we went to Target later that afternoon. (Good thing he was in my mom's cart!) Regardless, he is so stinkin' cute.
3. Changed diapers
I went back and forth if I should post this or not. Some folks might be appalled. Last week I forgot to change the boys diapers all day. I did it once in the morning, and then again before bed. Their diapers were overflowing and FULL to say the least. I was putting them in pajamas before work and I realized that it was the second change for the day. The evening was full of dance parties, chase, and tons of playtime. It didn't even cross my mind. True story.
I love the bookstore. Love it. Because of the ice storm this week I have not been out of the house. I went to Target on Saturday with my mom and the boys and then work on Sunday. Besides that....nothing. Trust me....with two 15 month old boys it becomes a LOT. We don't really watch TV and the only day that I actually wanted to see Oprah, the news was on instead!! Anyways, back to the point....... Last night my parents came over for dinner and then my dad stayed to watch the boys while Mat and I went to the bookstore. Here is a picture I had my mom snap on our way out.
**I would like to note that I am actually wearing a tank top in support of warm weather and in the tupperwear on the left is homemade oatmeal cookies. The box of cookies is already gone. They lasted less than 72 hours. No joke. It is a problem that I have.
5. Sunshine
Oh how I miss the sunshine. There is not a cloud in the sky today. It is so nice to finally see some sunshine. Looking forward to the spring!!!
So I wanted to add a funny picture into the mix. I was trying to get pictures of me and the boys one morning in the playroom. I took the first picture of me and Owen and realized I needed to snap another one. Immediately when it took the picture...he fell. You can see the top of his head next to my goofy grin.

I saved the best for last. CAMERON IS WALKING!! Yep. I can now say that he is walking. He usually prefers to crawl but boy oh boy when he walks...he loves it. He gets some crazy, loud cheers from all of us bystanders...even Owen. They boys are going to Greg's tomorrow so I bet when he comes back he will be walking everywhere!
Ok, so not last yet. I thought of two more.
1. Multigrain Cheerios
This is a favorite toy room snack.
2. Words
The boys are saying tons of words. Ball, car, uh-oh, done, and doggy top the list. They repeat a ton. It has been so much fun to watch them grow. Looking forward to the next few months to continue to hear their vocabulary grow.

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