Monday, May 16, 2011

Mother's Day 2011

1. Sunny, spring days
The boys LOVE to be outside. Last week it was hot and sunny here in Indy. Here are some pictures of the evening at my parents. It was right before bed so my dad was able to catch some shots of Cameron's notorous meltdowns.

2. Mother's Day 2011

What another great mother's day. The family spent a great afternoon at my parents. The kids are starting to get a tad bit older so they actually started playing together. I was actually exhausted from a long weekend, and then had to work that night for another 12 hour shift but still enjoyed time with everyone. The was great food and lots of laughs.

Here are some shots of us trying to get an entire family picture. It was pretty funny.

3. The "back up"

I don't know if I have posted this before but it is a pretty standard way of "sitting" in our house. If the boys want to sit in your lap they turn around and back up taking 5 or 6 steps backwards until they fall into your lap. It is actually pretty funny....but like I said, pretty standard.


4. Fresh air

The three windows to the boys rooms do not have screens. I decided that it was important to have fresh air (plus I am WAY to cheap for the air conditioning until completely necessary) so my dad has installed 1 of the 3 windows and it is GREAT. Yay to screens!!


5. TV in the car

Yes. I am too cheap for air conditioning but I purchased DVD players for the car. A few weeks ago I got an Elmo DVD from the library and the boys love it. Now they get into the car, point to the screen, and say, "Mo!" Oh the luxery of being born in 2009.

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