Tuesday, September 27, 2011


Many of you know (and I have mentioned before) my addiction to Pinterest.  It has actually started to calm down a bit but thought that this rainy day (with no pictures to post) would be a good day to share some of my obsession.  Here are some of quotes that I "pinned" relating to being a parent.  I even recreated one of them and added it to our home. 

A quick snapshot of our daily happenings.  Right now Cameron is talking to himself and playing in the dining room.  He just woke up from his nap.  Owen is still sleeping.  After nap time we will be off to the Children's Museum. 

Friday, September 23, 2011


It is the last day of vacation.  Sad.  It has been so fun and relaxing.  I thought that the best idea would be to update the blog now while I actually have free time versus in 2 weeks once we get back to Indy.  It has been hard to capture great pictures.  I HATE to carry my phone around or stop in the middle of the fun to take a picture.  

1. Playground
Here a few fun shots from a playground earlier this week.  There was a huge hill that has a great view to the beach from the top.  We went back today, the boys didn't love it as much but that is expected.  It is hard to know what they will like from one minute to the next. 

2. Seaside
We made a short trip over to Seaside to walk around and enjoy the morning.  The boys had fresh watermelon popsicles and Mat and I ate amazing sandwiches from the grilled cheese truck behind us.

3. The splash park
There is a small fountain/splash park across 30A.  There is no rhyme or reason as to when the fountain will turn on or off.  We have only been able to play once but the boys had a great time.

4. Golf cart
I think that this might be the all time favorite activity of the trip.  The boys love the golf cart so much.  There is never crying, screaming, or unhappiness on the golf cart.  Cameron wants no one to touch him, but besides that....it is an amazing use of our time.

5. Ice
The boys have an obsession with ice.  I think that we might have gone through 6 bags of ice.  They love to throw it over the balcony, they love to eat it...the just all around love ice on this trip.

6. New words
I needed to add an extra one on this post.  The boys vocabulary has increased like crazy.  They have started saying so many new words and repeat almost everything.  That way, ice, big ball (yes...adjectives are being used), golf cart, beach, and ocean.
Ok, ok, sorry...one more. 

7. The food crawl
Mat and I were able to go out one night without the boys.  We decided to go on a food crawl.  We had AMAZING food and ate four separate meals with lots of wine. Yum.

Wednesday, September 21, 2011


Since my official camera is my Iphone, it is a tad hard to get great pics.  Who am I kidding, with these boys it is hard to get great pictures anyways.  Here are few photos from the vacation.  I have a quick moment of down time before the evening food crawl!

This first post has a quick story.  After naps I threw the boys into swimsuits, suntan lotion, hats...the whole nine yards.  They had NO interest in the pool.  They were happy sitting in strollers staring at the pool instead.  They have snacks, sippy cups, and are just relaxing.  They never went to the pool.  Instead we went on a golf cart ride around the surrounding neighborhoods, found a small splash park, and then made our way to the beach.  We have kept very busy!!

(Eating Go-Gurts in the morning....adults drinking mimosas!!)

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Catching Up

We are on VACATION!! Right now I am sitting on the huge wrap around porch, watching the boys play with cars, drinking my coffee and looking at the beach.  Oh goodness what a life.  I have been terrible at pictures so decided to update you with ones that were taken before we left.  There is so much to be grateful for and hopefully in a few short days I will be doing this exact same thing and updating again.

1. Family Membership to Children's Museum
I know that I have mentioned this before but I love the membership.  We went a few weeks ago and it was EMPTY.  There were no field trips, the kids were back in school....it was great. The boys loved playing and exploring.  It was like we had the place to ourselves.

2. Books
The boys love our books.  We have extra special books that have tearable pages and then we have ones that we keep in the toyroom.  Here is a quick picture of Cameron trying to look through every single book we own.

3. The horse farm
The boys love of trucks, trains, cars, and tractors really made this afternoon special.  We visited the horse farm and not only saw over 40 horses but we ran around the property and we were able to climb on huge tractors. Fun Fun Fun.  I have a feeling we will be doing this a LOT.

 4. Melon
The boys love melon.  They especailly love eating it right from rind.  They could eat an entire melon if I let them and get super super messy.  Messy but they LOVE it. 

5. Lifetime Fitness
This is something that has changed my life.  Have I mentioned it before...ha...kidding...I am sure that it makes every post.  These few moments to get away from the boys and take time to focus on myself is oh so important.  I also shower there which might be my favorite part.  I actually get a full shower without worrying about what else is going on in the house.  Yay to Lifetime. 

Wednesday, September 7, 2011


I know that it has been awhile since my last post so I have tons of pictures to catch you up on.  It is nap time right now and I can barely keep my eyes open....so forgive me if this post doesn't last very long.

1. Working Mom
Yes.  I am in that great category of trucking off to work and leaving the little ones at home.  I imagine that in a few short years when the boys go to school that all of this will soon change.  Right now I work Friday and Sunday nights (scheduled) and then I have been trying to pick up extra.  Last week I clocked 40 hours!!  I am picking up work again tonight from 7-11pm.  I don't miss many waking hours but goodness, it is really making me go through the coffee!!

2. The weather changes...so we needed new clothes!
It was super hot, and now super cold.  I even put the heat on this morning!!  I am laying in sweatpants and a jacket.  The boys have started to move into the next size so this past weekend I took advantage of some Labor Day Sales.  I have most everything I need for Fall and winter except jackets, gloves, and hats.  This morning we went for a walk and had on our new vests!!  There is a picture at the end of the post.  My parents also got us new stuff.  Yay!!  Thank you thank you!

3. Iphone
On my iphone we can "flip" the camera so we can see ourselves while taking a picture.  It really helps when we need a little distraction during appointments.  Here is a recent, up close shot of me and Owen.

3. Cars, trucks, and trains
One day I think that I should collect all of the vehicles in the house and take a picture.  I think that even I would be shocked.  In this picture the boys are taking match box cars and driving them on the widow ledge.  (Yes...that is why they are wearing matching truck pajamas a few photos up.  No fights and they are OBSESSED!)

4. The crib
Thrilled that the boys are still in their cribs.  Yesterday Cameron did not feel like taking a nap and at one point when I went to check on his safety he had is foot OVER the crib rail.  Awesome.  He is a giant (as you can see in this picture) so I am surprised that he hasn't figured this out before.  Sawyer just got into a big boy bed but we are going to put that off as long as possible. 

5. Fresh food and different snacks
I am pretty tired of giving the boys fruit snacks.  I am sure that future trips to the dentist will be avoided if I start to nix that right now.  This weekend I decided to start searching the aisles for different snacks that would last longer in their bellies and still not be such a mess.  So far they have said no to some but yes to others.  I am also trying to eat a bit better.  Hopefully as the boys get older and start understanding more we can add some variety to the diet.  (I plan on doing this with bribes.)