Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Catching Up

We are on VACATION!! Right now I am sitting on the huge wrap around porch, watching the boys play with cars, drinking my coffee and looking at the beach.  Oh goodness what a life.  I have been terrible at pictures so decided to update you with ones that were taken before we left.  There is so much to be grateful for and hopefully in a few short days I will be doing this exact same thing and updating again.

1. Family Membership to Children's Museum
I know that I have mentioned this before but I love the membership.  We went a few weeks ago and it was EMPTY.  There were no field trips, the kids were back in school....it was great. The boys loved playing and exploring.  It was like we had the place to ourselves.

2. Books
The boys love our books.  We have extra special books that have tearable pages and then we have ones that we keep in the toyroom.  Here is a quick picture of Cameron trying to look through every single book we own.

3. The horse farm
The boys love of trucks, trains, cars, and tractors really made this afternoon special.  We visited the horse farm and not only saw over 40 horses but we ran around the property and we were able to climb on huge tractors. Fun Fun Fun.  I have a feeling we will be doing this a LOT.

 4. Melon
The boys love melon.  They especailly love eating it right from rind.  They could eat an entire melon if I let them and get super super messy.  Messy but they LOVE it. 

5. Lifetime Fitness
This is something that has changed my life.  Have I mentioned it before...ha...kidding...I am sure that it makes every post.  These few moments to get away from the boys and take time to focus on myself is oh so important.  I also shower there which might be my favorite part.  I actually get a full shower without worrying about what else is going on in the house.  Yay to Lifetime.