The boys will be waking up any minute so I wanted to see if I could jump on here and get started before the morning craziness began. I have so many random pictures that I decided to start with two from the playroom yesterday. I was stretching and doing "downward dog" and both boys crawled under me and did the pose next to me. The original event was pretty cute. I tried to recreate it but eventually I became a bridge for their cars! I must say...this is a pretty good example of what goes on around here. The boys want to do EVERYTHING that I do. It makes it hard sometimes to get much done. That is why I am doing this blog early!!
2. Healthy Meal Options
I think that this will be a lifelong struggle but something that as a mom I feel is super important. Not only is healthy usually more expensive..but usually goes to waste. These boys love hot dogs, chicken fingers, pasta....ext. I guess I am pretty lucky that they also LOVE fruit. Anyways, I am adding variety to our meals and also healthy "extras." Last week I made grilled cheese with avocado and tomatoes. (Owen loved it!)And yesterday the boys ate my lunch time salad. They are also loving granola right now. And on the advice of Dr. Oz...I switched to organic milk. He said that if you only do one healthy switch for your family this year....this should be it. Done.
** I scrolled down I noticed that this picture is of PIZZA ROLLS. hahahahahaha. But carrots are in there too!!! hahahahaha
3. Children's Museum
Very grateful that my parents bought me a membership to the Children's Museum. Yesterday morning I was there when it opened and we played for 90 minutes and then went home for lunch and naps. This was the first time I took the boys alone (success) and it was great not feeling like I had to be there all day to get my money's worth. The boys LOVE this place.
**This is Cameron in timeout. He was throwing sand and after a warning did it immediately again. He did great in time out and we had no other problems for the day.
4. Independent
The boys are peeling oranges by themselves. It is actually a process that takes time and concentration. Right now it is something that they love. My fruit bowl is actually flowing over filled with apples and clementines. I try to limit how much they get each day. Usually the oranges are done first thing in the morning!
5. Library
The library is pretty awesome. It has made this list before. In this past 6 months I have been letting the boys get out of their stroller and walk around to explore, look at books, ext. Well I guess I didn't let them go far enough. Right behind this huge wall that we sit at to read was a pretty big play area. They had puzzles, blocks, legos, and more books! Last week on a quick trip to the library we ended up staying to play. It will be happening again soon. Goodness.
Less than 20 finished...boys still in bed!!
AHHH....forgot to mention.....OWEN PEED IN THE POTTY!! It was once last week and has not happened since BUT it was so much fun!