Thursday, February 9, 2012

short. sweet. tired

We have been busy as always.  Because we are constantly with the twins and they are starting to potty train...we have started to play some in our house too.  I got a lot of pictures of Owen trying to figure out how he will sit on the potty...but I think that this one is the best.  He set this whole thing up in front of the TV.  It was cracking me up watching him walk around naked getting Cooper (the bear) into his potty, ext.  He never ended up peeing yesterday afternoon but CAMERON DID.  Yes.  You read that correctly.  The child who is terrified of the potty...actually did the deed.  Tanya told him that he had to go in order to get into the bathtub...and it worked.  Success!!  Not going to lie~I am nervous for these months ahead.

Friends.  Thank you.  Family.  Thank you.  Here is a quick shot of me and Shelby being silly last weekend at Laura's house.  Friends. Thank you.

This is the size of my coffee every morning.  This is actually half gone.  I don't drink the entire thing everyday.  The end.