Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Mother's Day

Sorry...I am not going to try and figure out how to get these to go side by side instead of one after the other.  I know it makes for a LOT of scrolling.  Here are some of the pictures from Mother's Day.  We had a blast but man was in exhausting.  Lots of kids.  We are so grateful that Erin and Jess were able to make the trip.  I can't imagine the stress it takes to come into a different time zone with two little ones in tow.  We hope that they make the move to Indy shortly!

As you can tell...the pictures are in no particular order.  Yay for a great weekend.  Can't wait to share the professional pictures soon.


Sunday, May 13, 2012

Sit. Down. Write.

1. Twice
This is my second post for May.  I only posted twice in March and in April.  I am happy that I am sitting down and writing today.  I hope that I can take more time to sit down and record what is wonderful about our day. 

2. Mother's Day
Today is Mother's Day.  It was perfect.  I woke up feeling great.  Had a good workout.  And spent hours with my boys and family at my mom's house.  I have not kept my phone (aka camera) handy so I only took a few pictures.  Hopefully my sister was able to get some great pictures that I will be able to post later.  It was a crazy afternoon.  There are five 2 year olds playing, running, and eating TONS of cupcakes.  The boys were asleep by 645!! 

3. Cousins
Last night we went out for drinks and appetizers with the cousins. ....No Kids!!!  It was so nice to sit and talk with other adults.  We laughed and laughed and all really had a great time.  Wish we could do this more!!

4. Working out & school
Yes.  Repeat.  And you ....are over hearing it.  Well I just want to say.  First, I am in the best shape of my life.  Second, the boys made me mother's day cards at school.  And being a single mom....this really means a LOT. 

5. Please, thank you, and TALK TALK TALK
My kids do NOT stop.  Watching them around children their own age reminds me how much these two boys talk.  They have serious opinions, they are independent, and they do not stop talking. 

****We have had so so so much fun with the Harris family.  My kids LOOOOOVE Aunt Erin and all of her stickers, "pickle tickles," and fun songs.  When I have pictures I will write more about the trip.  Looking forward to another good day tomorrow.****

6. TV
I am sitting and watching TV.  I have HOURS of shows taped on my DVR.  Ha.  I might sit for another 30 minutes!! 

Thursday, May 10, 2012

May 10th

1. Updates
It is a constant thing.  I think that it is this way for everyone....right? I have done a LOT.  Well I might easily be able to rephrase, my dad has done a LOT.  Some of the recent updates are a new sink and faucet (long over due) a new screen door for the back (Greg and I talked about needing one the first time we looked at the house) and painting the boys room.  It is still a khaki color, but now has more durable paint and very fresh.  I have also been working a ton in the yard.  I split and moved a ton of hostas and actually planted vegetables in the garden.    

2. Big boy beds

I took the sides off of the cribs.  The boys are getting old enough for this next step.  To give you a quick update on how they are doing...Owen has never tried to get out of his bed.  Cameron on the other hand is all over the room.  He wasn't for the first week but he figured it out.  He goes into Owen's bed, he plays all over the room, he is doing something that both boys laugh and laugh and laugh.  The whole time...Owen stays in bed.  He is such a character.

 We have side rails on the bed (thank you Tanya) and there is only a tiny opening for the boys to crawl in and out.  This opening is where Cameron decided to fall asleep one night.

3. Health
With the second set of tubes, adenoid out, winter over, and the start of claritin....I think it is working!  Cameron has been somewhat of a new man.  He still whines like most 2 year old kids but for the most part he is able to play and have fun without being sick.  Here are two silly pictures he wanted to take after he was playing in the pouring rain last week.

4. Friends
Here is a picture of bike day at school.  We started a bike parade.  Cameron was at the end but he was lapping everyone and not staying in line.  Below that is a picture of Kally (from school) and Austin, her brother.  Their family also goes to our gym.  On Sunday we all happened to pull up at the same time.  The kids all RAN into the daycare center and we were able to get this quick shot of them playing while the adults checked in.  Now when we pull up to the gym Owen frequently says, "Where's Kally?"

5. Summertime
I need to start making a list of summertime activities.  I think that we will be spending a lot of time at the pool or playing in the yard.  I think that it will be a blast and go by way too quickly.  I am starting a new schedule at work.  This means that I will be working more days.  That alone is hard to swallow BUT it is a necessity in order to keep this household above water.

Yay for summer!!!! 

***The Harris family arrives in town tonight!!  Very excited to spend time with the cousins!!**