1. Twice
This is my second post for May. I only posted twice in March and in April. I am happy that I am sitting down and writing today. I hope that I can take more time to sit down and record what is wonderful about our day.
2. Mother's Day
Today is Mother's Day. It was perfect. I woke up feeling great. Had a good workout. And spent hours with my boys and family at my mom's house. I have not kept my phone (aka camera) handy so I only took a few pictures. Hopefully my sister was able to get some great pictures that I will be able to post later. It was a crazy afternoon. There are five 2 year olds playing, running, and eating TONS of cupcakes. The boys were asleep by 645!!
3. Cousins
Last night we went out for drinks and appetizers with the cousins. ....No Kids!!! It was so nice to sit and talk with other adults. We laughed and laughed and all really had a great time. Wish we could do this more!!
4. Working out & school
Yes. Repeat. And you ....are over hearing it. Well I just want to say. First, I am in the best shape of my life. Second, the boys made me mother's day cards at school. And being a single mom....this really means a LOT.
5. Please, thank you, and TALK TALK TALK
My kids do NOT stop. Watching them around children their own age reminds me how much these two boys talk. They have serious opinions, they are independent, and they do not stop talking.
****We have had so so so much fun with the Harris family. My kids LOOOOOVE Aunt Erin and all of her stickers, "pickle tickles," and fun songs. When I have pictures I will write more about the trip. Looking forward to another good day tomorrow.****
6. TV
I am sitting and watching TV. I have HOURS of shows taped on my DVR. Ha. I might sit for another 30 minutes!!