1. Country Music
I think that it is pretty obvious that we love music. I have music playing during most times of the day. Right now...this minute...I am grateful for country music.
2. A house filled with joy
The boys were at Greg's this weekend. Honestly, I was ready for a much needed break. Once I get home from the drive I immediately fell into bed and enjoyed the silence. After about two hours I missed the feet running down the hallway and the constant chatter, chaos, and hustle of the day. This weekend I basically sat and took in all of the silence and instantly became grateful that our home is filled with joy every. single. day.
3. Christmas cards
My christmas cards are created. Purchased. Delieverd. And many of them are addressed. Uh....I am ON TOP OF IT!!
4. The hall light
Cameron's new nightly obsession is the hall light. He wants the hall light on at all times. I still keep the door closed but if I forget and shut the light off on my way to bed (which I do every single night) he starts screaming. It reminds me that this child does not go to sleep. He just lays in his bed for almost an hour every night. Anyways...this new little routine makes me smile. It also makes me think about my electric bill.
5. My parents
Tonight my mom came over and we tried to sit down and create a new plan to financially be in a better place. We never came up with a plan. But we did get some good laughs in and make plans for change of my actual schedule. I think that I will be going to day shift sooner rather than later. Regardless, I have one of the BEST support systems around. We are three very lucky people. Thank you.
He hikes his pants up (hilarious) and it will always remind me of my dad. And then this 4T coat is obvious a tad too big but it still works!! His outfit this day was cracking me up and he was running away from me because he didn't want his picture taken.