Monday, December 31, 2012

Christmas Time

Way WAY behind on my posting in December.  Lots of changes, fun times, pure exhaustion, and great pictures.  I will try to little tid bit from the happenings of our month.

 My parents, the Harris duo, and I all went to see the Christmas Carol downtown this year.  Erin and Jess have done this the past few years and added us in the tradition for 2012.  We had a great time. 

These next few pictures are of our Christmas party at the Fang house.  They gave us these awesome costume and we decorated Christmas cookies again (like we did last year).  One of my favorite pictures of Cameron recently is the one of him checking himself out in the mirror with is costume on.  He cracks me up. 

Monday night dinners still exist.  Just with a lot more crazies. 

This was breakfast with Santa at Lifetime.  The santa was so ghetto it was hilarious.  The boys had a great time and then we spent the rest of the afternoon opening gifts with my parents and the Harris family.  It was a great day. 

On Christmas morning Cameron woke up with a fever and not feeling well at all.  He sat on the couch and watched Owen open all of his presents.  Owen would bring him a present, Cameron would try to open it, get exhausted and hand it back to Owen to finish the opening of the gifts.  Owen was in heaven. Cameron didn't want me to get off the couch.  Grateful that my mom was there to help manage the morning.

  That afternoon we went to Valpo.  We had a great time and it was exhausting....but the good type of exhausting.

The snow.  The first day that Owen and I went out in the snow, Cameron was still feeling sick and not mentally capable of getting all of the required gear on.  Which reminds me of something about this little one.... he HATES to wear coats in the car.  HATES.  It is a frequent battle.  That's it...just wanted to write this bit down so my 40 year old self will remember.

Anyways, the far it hasn't been much of an issue.  It has been beautiful out.  I would much rather have sunshine and heat but hey...a snow fall is good every now and then.

 This is us ringing the door bell while we played outside and Cameron coming to the door.  (It wasn't a long trip out....and Cameron stayed on the couch to watch cartoons.  Even in this picture he looks a little sick.)

 mid cough...attractive...i know.  He wanted me to lay next to him in my bed that morning while we watched cartoons.  All of us, on one little pillow.  hahahaha

Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Merry Christmas

It is about to happen!!  Right now it is 6:36am.  I am up, showered, and ready for the big day.  Cameron is in bed...sick.  Owen is fast asleep.  They went to bed at 7:45 last night after a whirlwind weekend at Greg's.  Last night we decorated cookies at my parents' house and then came home for hot chocolate and Christmas stories.  The boys also put an apple and an orange outside on the front porch for the reindeer.  (??????) 
These posts are going to be a bit out of order catching up the pictures from earlier this month.  But I had to post my excitement right before the big moment.  December is the month of magic.  And I love it!!  Merry Christmas everyone.  And a big thank you to those working today.  I know it is frustrating a hard but thank you thank you thank you for the sacrifice.  
Off to make a mimosa.....

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Magic in the air

I am up and at it early this morning.  It is a reminder of how I am SUCH a morning person.  I have been up since 3:30am.  hahaha... that is a tad much but I don't know what I expect since I immediately fall asleep at 9:00pm.  Right now I am enjoying coffee out of my favorite mug and doing my favorite thing....thinking about my children. :)
This past week we went to the Children's Museum.  The boys absolutely love this place.  I get their right when they open and stay just until lunch time.  We usually visit the same rooms over and over.  This year we didn't go to Jolly Days.  I decided to stay away from the crowds.  It worked.  We were the only family in the temporary play scape for 20 minutes.  That is unheard of.  Even I was a bit confused....was I missing something??
**Side note: the boys just woke up. 6:24.  I told them that they couldn't get up.  Cameron looked at me and said, "We singing songs." hahaha...awesome.**

They were waiting by the door for me to grab my bag.  I caught up with them and this is what I found.  So stinking cute.  Glad I was able to snap a picture.

It was the best day I have had at the museum thus far.  The boys were so well behaved and it was practically empty in the areas that we went.  It is such a fun thing to watch your children learn and have fun at the same time. 

I brought lunch this time.  It actually worked out well (besides Cameron wanting more which is very typical).  In this picture Owen is asking Cameron to guess which hand the orange is in.  They LOVE this game.  Cameron guesses wrong on is all part of the fun.  They were just cracking themselves up. 

Yes...Elf is still making an appearance at our house.
I am starting to call Cameron my "hipster."  He only wants to wear his pajama pants that are cotton and gather at the feet.  They are his FAVORITE.  This morning I decided to stop arguing.  What did I care.  He feels good, it makes him happy, and every time I caught a glance at his little legs it made me chuckle out loud.  Even when I dropped him off with Greg that day he said, "What is Cameron wearing?"  Haha...this little dude is going to be a character when he is a teenager.  Wait~he already is a character.

Being the mom at school.  I love NorthEast and I love sending the boys here.  I love it because the boys LOVE it.  It has really made significant changes in my parenting.  VERY grateful.  I have been seriously looking at moving to day shift and if that happens I would have to take the boys out of NE.  It is actually bringing me to tears to think about this change.  What a great great thing that we have found.
This past weekend, when the boys were at Greg's, I wrapped all of the Christmas gifts and put together both bikes.  Yes.  Everyone can be jealous.  All my shopping is done and in the attic.  Now I am just going to enjoy the beauty of Christmas.  Watch the magic unfold around us and not stress.  Yay!!

This is Owen hiding from grandma and grandpa when they came over for Monday night dinners.  Yes, you heard that correctly...we started doing dinners at my house.  I think that it is working out great for everyone.  **In Owen's defense, he was trying to hide under the box on the bottom left of the picture.  He wasn't able to get the toys out fast enough and put it on his head.  When the door open he threw himself on the floor and hid behind the drum instead.**

My Sunday evening treat to myself.  Not only was it amazing, it helped carry me through the night. 

One last story.  Yesterday morning at breakfast the boys and I were discussing what was going on this week.  They have their 3 year check up (yes, a little late) on Thursday and so we were talking about the different days of the week.  In the conversation I said, "Today is Tuesday." Cameron looked at me and said, "No. Today is not two-day. Today is Five-day mommy."  So I had to clarify.  Yes, today was "five-day."  I heard correctly.