Thursday, January 10, 2013

making myself post...

I started day shift this week.  Today is actually my second day.  Boy is this going to be an adjustment.  Since I worked weekend nights and then immediately went to a 12 hour day it has been a bit rough. This morning I have a doctors appointment at 845 so I am letting the boys sleep in a little and trying to get caught up on some life.  Yesterday I had my full day off and I tried to take advantage of doing stuff the boys love.  We went to the gym, had Ethan and Jonny over for lunch, and then went to swimming lessons.  That evening they helped me make dinner and wrestled in their costumes.  It was a good day.  An exhausting one. 
1. Coffee & hazelnut cream
Every morning.
2. Clean house
I try and pick up my house every night so I don't wake up to a mess everyday.  I would say that I do this 92% of the time.  It makes SUCH a difference.  Now I just need to get to the bathrooms and floors.
3. "Nothing"
Cameron is so predictable that I should use it in my favor more often.  He disagrees with everything...EVERYTHING I say.  He always says that he is doing "nothing" and he doesn't want to do anything.  It becomes even more obnoxious when he tries to roll his eyes and gets his "hit list" look on his face.  He is going to be a tough nut to crack.
4. My mover, Tanya
Tanya helped me move furniture yesterday.  I love the new look of the living room.  Trying to figure out the toy room.  I LOVE when she comes over for lunch.  She always brings takeout and helps me rearrange my home. 
5. Spider man....
Yesterday on the way to swim practice Cameron said, "Momma I am spider man. You are batman and Owen is green man."  So for the entire way there we talked and had a conversation as we were in character.  Once we got out of the car I tried to continue and Cameron said, "No mommy, I took my costume off. You took your costume off too."  He cracks me up.  His imagination is unbelievable.  I hope I am fostering it correctly.  

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