Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Early Mornings

1. 540 am
I can guarantee that no one in this house right now will wake up and come wondering out on their own.  I on the other hand have been up since 330 in the morning.  Some strange noise woke me up and I have been laying there ever since.  My mind has been a terrible thing this summer.  I have tried to keep it occupied, and for the most part I do a pretty good job at that.  The bed and the car usually get to me though.  This morning I decided to finally get up and put myself to good use…and update the blog.  So as I sit and sip my coffee, instead of my normal snooze routine as of late, I will make better use of my time.

2. The Gurchiek House
Last night we went over for pizza.  I think that our entire family loved the short outing.  My talked about their costumes and guns before we even got there.  All the kids played great together and it was really nice to sit down and catch up with adults.  Looking forward to more of these great nights.

3. Chemo kills
Today is my mom's chemo day.  So far I have worked all the days that she has received chemotherapy and today is no different.  In a few weeks I will be off and will be by her side…in street clothes --then off to lunch!!  YAY!! Anyways, back in March she was diagnosed with breast cancer and immediately following Erin's funeral she started chemo.  She has been doing great.  So today is the day…another life saving day for my mom!

4. Mike
There are so many reasons to be grateful for this man ~ my honest, hard working, insanely loving husband.

5. The piano
So this is going to be my new project.  I have not told Mike, but I hope to start working on the piano on Saturday.  We got one that we want to sand down and paint.  Then it needs to be tuned.  I don't know why, maybe it's because I grew up to music in my home, but I think that it is important to have in the house if possible.

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