1. The day is almost over.
It hasn't been my strongest month. I have cried many nights and I have been anxious for the next day. I am struggling in the last month of my pregnancy and with Mike out of town it really makes me miss Erin. She was always there to bounce off of and share motherhood together. And since now I find myself struggling through it alone I wish she was here to do playdates, answer texts, or plainly tell me to buck up. Today when Mike left to go to Columbus the tears just started flowing again. I only have 5 more nights without him here and then he will be home for a few weeks but goodness sakes it feels like forever. My 38 week pregnant body is so over it....SO. OVER. IT.
But today, today is almost over. And today was a good day. I gave myself a pep talk this morning and actually got some things accomplished. We got the boys a new lego activity that has kept them busy for hours (and hopefully hours tomorrow). I have also been able to do laundry, vacuum the house, and keep things in order. We did baths, I actually MADE dinner, and Owen took a nap. This picture below is Cameron working on his legos during nap time.
A collection of Mike's socks from the laundry today.
I only have 11 sleeps left. 5 sleeps without Mike. 3 more days of work. I absolutely hate counting down my life but goodness it is what keeps me on the right track these days.
2. My parents
This week they have helped to keep us entertained and me sane. We had steaks there on Tuesday night, dinner at the Harris house on Wednesday, and then the boys wanted to go straight to their house after school on Thursday to play with legos. My mom also took me out for a much needed and long over due pedicure on Tuesday afternoon. They have made it so that I had very little dishes to do this week and have made my evenings much smoother.
3. Habachi Dinner
Last night we took the boys to Tomo and experienced their first Habachi dinner. They were great and used great manners.
4. Cable
This week we officially got rid of our home phone and now we have cable again. I will say I was MUCH more excited for the transition than I should of been. I have had cable since Thursday evening and...I wasn't missing much. I do love episodes of Rehab Addict while I fold laundry but so far...that is it. Mike is at the All Star Hockey Game in Columbus this weekend and sitting behind the goal so he called and asked me to tape the event. Maybe he will be on TV so that will be fun too. But really........cable is still pretty lame. I have a feeling after maternity leave I will again, be getting rid of cable all together.
5. New Camera
Mike has done some research while on the road and this week we purchased a new camera. He was home for less than 24 hours to try it out but he has still had fun learning, taking pictures, and using the new remote. I am personally excited for his new hobby. I know that this is an odd way to look at it, but I am happy that the boys have this example in their lives. That they are able to see an adult enjoy something that he works at and makes him happy. Writing it all out it doesn't make much sense...but trust me, in my head, I know what I am talking about.
One day this week before school. I was shutting the house down before we left and the boys were watching the iPad in the dark.
SIDE NOTE: Cameron just came out for a drink and asked what I was typing up.
M: "I am doing the blog."
C: "What is a blog?"
M: "It's like a diary of what we did today."
C: eyes really big and a big smile..."Like legos."
M: "Yup. Now go to bed."
Then Owen came out of the bedroom and started....
O: "What were you just talking about with Cameron and Legos?"
...so I repeated the entire conversation...
O: "Are you upset?"
M: "I am starting to get frustrated, yes. You need to go to bed. Would you like a drink of water?"
O: takes water. gives me a kiss and a smile.
Owen walks back into his room and says, "Cameron, mom is starting to get frustrated, we have to stay in bed."
They are still just talking away. But at least they are in bed.
6. Emotional Eater
I am not grateful for the fact that I AM an emotional eater. I am grateful for the fact that I KNOW that I am an emotional eater. And this Thursday I purchased some Penn Station with some money that we made off of a ruler and it was AMAZING.
7. Resolution Update
We rode 2 of our 100 mile bike ride. Tomorrow one of my FEW goals is to make a 100 mile chart so we can knock off some miles and the boys can see their progress.
Looking back I realize now that I should of made the boys wear sweatshirts and gloves that afternoon. By the end their hands were FREEZING and Cameron was miserable. Owen on the other hand is a competitive beast and could probably bike all 100 miles in a day. Instead we turned back early and I coached a crying Cameron the last quarter of a mile home.
In this last picture I don't know if you can see Owen WAAAYYY up ahead. At one point during the ride I even had to run with Nash to catch up with the boys. Yes, a huge, 9 month pregnant lady running after bikes. I am sure it was a sight to see.
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