1. The blog
On Saturday while I was pumping I started reading old entries of my blog. I started back when the twins were four months. Holy moly I forgot how hard it was to juggle my life. I was reading Mike some of it and he was shocked as well. I am SO SO grateful that I started this journal. I am looking forward to reading more and remembering how crazy the past five years have been. I am also going to try and write more frequently. For the month of June my goal has been twice a week but I think that I can do better.
2. Rick's Visit
Rick made a quick visit on Friday night. It was great to see him and catch up. We spend so much time with my family I can only imagine how refreshing it is for Mike to spend time with his. Rick brought the boys fishing poles and they have been using them ALL weekend. It was a short visit but we already have the next one scheduled!
3. Mike
This morning Mike took the boys fishing. Cameron caught a huge fish but Owen came up empty handed. Owen took this gracefully and was happy for Cameron but like all five year old boys (especially the competitive ones) Mike had a feeling he needed to take Owen back out. After naps (yes--be jealous--our 5 year olds take naps still) Mike and Owen went back out to fish. They went to two different places and were determined to catch a fish. It worked. Success!
This man is the best. So grateful that he is apart of our family.
4. Jack slept through the night
The past few nights Jack has slept past 6 in the morning. It has been insane. Mike even went to check on him this morning because he was not up. It has been pretty wonderful.
5. Summer Days
We are keeping our summer days full. We read TONS of books, make new recipes, have friends & family over, enjoy the sunshine, fish, bike and spend amazing quality time together. It has been exhausting. We suck every moment out of the day. Glad that we live this way but holy moly it is tiring.
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