Wednesday, July 22, 2015


1. I Returned the swing
The twins had an obsession with their little lamb swing.  It was a saving grace in our house.  Not Jack.  He never really liked the swing.  Yesterday I was able to return the swing without the box!!  Not only am I glad that it is out of my house but I am glad to have the money back.
2.  Medela Pump
Have I mentioned this yet?  Shelby is letting me use her pump and it is SO. MUCH. BETTER. It has changed my life the past week and I feel like I can actually make it a few more weeks of pumping!
3. Roof is fixed
We have had sooooooooooo much rain. So. Much. Rain.  Last week Mike discovered that our roof was leaking in the garage.  So that is awesome. 
Anyways, this weekend when I was in Chicago, Luke came over and fixed the roof for FREE.  So grateful.

4. Aux
This morning I drove the van to work.  I have been driving the pilot to work all summer because the van goes where the baby goes.  This morning I took Jack to work and I was TRILLED to take the van.  I listed to the Ted Radio Hour on podcast and it was a fabulous drive.

5. The Business
Mike and I are struggling to find hours in the day.  We are "go-go-go" and sometimes just pass in the hours of the night.  I am happy that we are starting the business and grateful to be paying our bills but holy moly it is LOTS of work. 

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