Saturday, March 4, 2017

Shark tooth

1. Mustache Day
The boys have been celebrating Dr. Seuss week and on Friday they had mustache day.  After drawing on Cameron's mustache he backed up and admired himself in the mirror.  Then he said, "With my mustache and my shark tooth necklace I look like a real man."  

Then when I got to school for lunch Friday afternoon his mustache was barely there and he looked like a preteen trying to grow his mustache.  Basically -- all day his mustache made me smile.  

2. Lunch at school
Another surprise lunch under the books.  This time the kids ate lunch in the classroom so Cameron joined us in Owen's class.  I was also able to talk with Sra Isley about Owen being extremely chatty in class recently.  I had no idea he was getting in trouble at school so it was a good thing I showed up.

3. Raincoats
This has been the forecast recently for Kauai.  March is the rainy season.  Hopefully Kauai gets all the rain out of the way before we show up.  If not -- we can use raincoats.

4. Ibuprofen on hand
Jack woke up with a temp this morning.  He has been absolutely perfect all week so I am hopeful it's just a fluke since we have the cousin slumber party tonight.  Grateful that I have a thermometer and meds on hand and it was a relatively low stress situation.

5.  Rick helping us with our finances
Three years ago we made a trip to Columbus so Rick could help us make goals and get our finances in shape.  We have pretty much followed his advice but have found ourselves with more savings, a new company and need more ways to invest.  I was able to send him all of our information so he is fully taking everything over.  Yay!

6. Starting School
This weekend I plan on paying to start school and begin my journey towards getting my Masters.  Yikes -- yes, I am adding MORE to this already full plate.  I know, I should reread some old posts.  I can't be a night shift manager forever so I am hoping to bust this work out and then hoping that more doors open with this on my resume.

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