Monday, July 24, 2017

No 5 -- just an update on our pictures.

Ohhhh so much change and so much crazy.  I got up early this morning to work on my paper for school.  It has been a little bit of a struggle to find the information that I needed so I decided to do a LONG overdue blog post instead.   I think I am just going to put some captions under the pictures and go from there.  

My last day at CHN was wonderful.  People actually came into work at 3 AM (WTF) to say goodbye.  It was impressive.  The night shift threw me a huge pitch in and I was able to sit around for awhile and talk.  As I am typing this out I have been at CHVH for a full week.  It is interesting.  I completely forgot about how DIFFERENT ambulatory was from the acute setting.  My orientation has been overwhelmingly boring but I have hopes that in a few months my position will get into full swing.  Right now I have to give myself daily pep talks and see the long term gain in my day to day activities. 

Dinner with Emily and Holli is one of the absolute best things in the world.  I always laugh so hard that I am crying.  I need to make this a habit but in all actuality -- with all of our children and responsibilities it will probably be Christmas until I see these two together again.  Sad.

This is what adults do with shot glasses.

This child of mine.  Wowzers he is a piece of work.  He is wild, crazy, intense, LOVES to be the center of attention and fully hilarious all at the same time.  It is extremely hard to discipline him because he is working so hard to make you laugh and being completely successful at it.  Holy we have our hands full with him.  

 They hate each other, love each other .....the full gamut of feelings.  I am so grateful that they have each other.  Oh -- and grateful that they have grandparents who feed us dinner and don't expect us to do any dishes.  

Cameron had his first performance with YATS.  He was shy at first but then really opened up and had a blast.  It was great to go see him on stage Friday afternoon.
And holy this picture makes him look like a giant!

My first week of work, Rouzer made me a card (with a hand drawn picture of me), bought me some fabulous candy AND these beautiful flowers.  This man knows when I need a little extra boost and encouragement.  Thank you for being wonderful.

Water ballon fights, dinners, late night drinks (830 is late night to us)......we love our neighbors.

I started selling toothpaste.  It won't last long but I have earned a few hundred dollars so I want to see how long this run can last.  When I add that on top of my school, 40 hour a week job, and family....I don't have much time for anything else.  At all.  

One last thing that I want to mention -- grateful for the monthly dates with my husband when our kids go with the Abel family.  On Saturday we had drinks at Bier, made homemade stuffed mushrooms (AMAZING), watched BigBrother and had drinks with the neighbors.  It was wonderful to sleep in and feel like we had no responsibilities.  So grateful for these few hours with him.

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