Thursday, August 9, 2018

On point

1. We have the kids every night this week
Because the whole bus thing has given us trouble in the past we try and have the boys stay here for the first week or so to get the driver acclimated to our stop.  I know that this might sound silly to most people BUT the twins have been left on the bus....more than once...because their stop was skipped.  That means that this week they have been with us every night and it is pretty freaking wonderful.

2. Rock climbing
Cameron is a beast at rock climbing and Owen knows how to hold his own.  90% of the reason we took them tonight is to stop listening to them continually argue with each other.  It's over the top.  We were only out for an hour and it was pretty heavenly to not have to break up any arguments.

3. Mike's new job
This stud officially started at Zionsville High School.  He is a permanent guest teacher so right now he is bored out of his mind BUT I think that he is still excited to be back in the world of education.  My favorite part personally is that this has sparked his interest in reading.  I LOVE sitting and reading books before bed each night.

4. Meal Prep
Since Mike took a drastic pay cut AND because we want to be as financial fit as possible we have start to meal prep again.  We have been really successful this week.

5. I don't get a lot of mosquito bites
When you talk about the small things in life that make life pretty fabulous....this is for sure one of them.  Mosquitos and bugs are attracted to all three of the boys and Mike.  Sometimes I will have a bite or two but usually bugs don't bother me.  It's pretty wonderful.

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