Friday, October 5, 2018

early morning accomplishments

1. I fall asleep fast
It has taken me YEARS to get to this point but more often than not, when my eyes shut for the night I am asleep.  I am grateful that at this time in my life I don't suffer with insomnia or anxiety that keeps me up all night.

2.  Jack peed
Yes, it sounds simple but it's another big step. This morning Jack got out of bed and went to the bathroom himself before coming to wake me up.  This was the first time ever.  Hopefully this past box of pullups was the last box ever.  Note: he just wears pullups at night and rarely does he have an accident.  

3. 12 hours
In 12 hours we will be on a flight to DISNEY.  Still a lot of packing to do and stuff to get together but Rouzer has the day off so he plans on pulling together the loose ends.

4.  Kamilah
Kamilah challenges me and makes me think about my vision and my purpose.  She helps me work on my goals and keeps me accountable.  I absolutely LOVE her insight and think that her silent ability to lead is inspiring.  So grateful for Kamilah.

5. Black Belt
While I am on the topic of work....this week I was officially invited to get my ASQ black belt with the network.  I am so pumped for this opportunity.  When I received the email early Monday morning I could not stop smiling.  

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