Saturday, November 3, 2018


1. This guy
I can't shout it loud enough how freaking PROUD I am of this guy.  What he has done in the past few months takes a lot of guts.  He quit his lucrative, growing business to be a teacher.  He started at the bottom becoming a sub and within weeks he was promoted.  He kept grinding his wheels, making connections and reaching out to friends.  In Bermuda he talked to Kevin and learned about the rewarding job of working at an accelerated school.  Mike added those schools into his search.  Last week he interviewed and yesterday he got the job.  We officially have a TEACHER on our hands.  I hope that the boys are watching him closely. I hope that they figure out what they want to do, take some risk, and go all in.  Way to go Mike ~ cheers to you!

2. Volunteer Fail
Yesterday I volunteered at Forest Glen.  The one thing the teacher asked for me to accomplish when she left the classroom was to wipe down desks.  That's the thing that I completely forgot to do.  Yup - parent volunteer of the year.

3. Jack's constant crazy at bedtime.
This child goes bat shit crazy at bedtime.  Like legit a mess.  I'm not going to lie, it is hilarious for a little bit.  He is so happy and filled with joy as he runs around naked trying to get away from his dad who is quickly losing his mind trying to get his pajamas on and teeth brushed.  Eventually it gets tiresome to everyone involved (except Jack).  But I am grateful for those minutes that he fills our house with laughter every single night.  I know that these days are short lived and will be gone and forgotten soon. ahhhh….I could cry even thinking about that.

4. Saturday
Today my agenda consists of gym and laundry.  I have no interest in leaving the house and hope to stay in my pajamas all day long.

5. Home Computer
I am grateful for this home computer.  It makes life easier.  I can hustle toothpaste, check my work email, update my blog or search the news websites.  

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