Wednesday, February 27, 2019

sight unseen

1. Washer and Dryer
I finally started making a strong effort to get Jack out of his nighttime diapers.  I stopped giving him his beloved ice water at night and I make him pee before AND after his stories.  But instead of progress he just seems to pee MORE.  So for the past few nights he has been peeing through his diaper.  There were times that we would go months without a wet pullup but it seems we are back to square one.  So grateful for a washer and dryer.  It would make for a TON of work if I had to hand wash all of this bedding.

2.  Office Mate
Our office is currently under construction so right now Kristin and I are sharing an office.  It is a bit more difficult than I imagined but I am SUPER grateful that Kristin is my office mate and not anyone else.  She keeps me on my toes and makes me laugh.

3.  New Books
This past weekend I was slightly addicted to a new book series.  It was a young adult series called The Selection.  Do NOT run out and get this book.  It is nothing to rave about BUT it pulled me in and kept me until the end.  It was easy and quick and I loved getting lost in the story.

4. Mike's new phone
Mike's cell phone was an absolute mess.  When you hold on to these things at the end it becomes MISERABLE and that is what he did.  He finally called and had is phone replaced.  None of this effects me much but I am grateful that he doesn't have to deal with a shit phone anymore.

5.  "Really?!  That's cool."
I was driving Cameron home from acting on Monday evening and he talked the entire way home.  He kept telling me story after story that made absolutely no sense.  I know this sounds really strange.  It's strange to me.  But my kids tell me stories about things and I am clueless. Ugh I am old.  BUT I am grateful that he still tells me.  That he feels comfortable enough to jabber away.

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