Tuesday, May 28, 2019


1. We made it another year
This morning was not actually the last day of school but the twins are usually at Greg's Tuesday night so we would not be able to snap pictures in the morning.  It is always crazy to look at these side by side pictures.  Goodness knows we all change so much within a few short months.  Next year they will have two teachers and half of their day will be in English.  This morning Mike even suggested we start planning a trip so they are able to use their Spanish.

2. The carpet doesn't smell like puke
Jack was puking for a few days and instead of the toilet, bucket or hardwood floors - he was able to have solid aim at our carpets.  Don't forget the jute rug...he got sick there too.  If you ever asked, "are you going to get sick?"  he would say "no" the first two times but then switch to, "no, I already am sick."  Glad he is feeling better.  Glad our house doesn't smell like puke.  Glad that the cleaning lady came on Friday morning. 

3. Memorial Weekend
Because Jack was sick and we thought it was going to rain we hung out at the house all weekend.  The twins were in Chicago with Greg so it was just the three of us.  It was easy and insanely peaceful.  Well besides the carpets smelling.  Last night (Monday) we had Tony and Robyn over in the afternoon.  It was great to catch up.  Grateful for 3 day weekends.

How Jack fell asleep on our walk last night.

Cameron wanted to sleep on the floor in the corner.  I think I surprised him when i agreed
4. Lunch with JoJo
It was nice to sit down and have lunch with my mom.  She has been feeling  miserable lately but this afternoon she was a bit less foggy.  Nothing eventful happen, just glad that we are able to connect.

5.  Grocery Store
We officially ran out of food.  ....even the condiments were becoming affected.  I was able to go to Costco and Kroger on Saturday.  Everyone else in the city was also there BUT I am grateful that I got it completed and our fridge is stocked.

Tuesday, May 21, 2019

The real deal

1. My new job
I think on my last post I eluded to my new job but YAY -- it's official.  I finally told everyone and I am able to talk freely about the change.  I have been with Community Health Network for 12 years so this is a HUGE change.  It was a crazy weekend with the race and the concert but hopefully in the next few weeks Mike and I will take time to CELEBRATE.

Mike put this note next to my ring so I would find it in the morning.
 2. Pedicure
The only thing that I wanted for Mother's Day was a pedicure.  Last night Mike and I were both little crabby so Mike promptly sent me out.  I tried to just sit there and either stare at the wall or close my eyes but while my nails dried I picked up this magazine.  I'm adding it here because it is my only picture of the evening and I want to try this trick FOR SURE.

3. Eggs
Jack woke up at 230 because he wet the bed and I never fell back asleep. I was already planning on going to the gym so after laying awake for an hour it felt good to get up and out of bed.  I was STARVING when I got home and before I even jumped in the shower I made eggs.  Since I was up early I had time to calmly make eggs for the boys.  This one had a double yolk.  Yes - it was the highlight of my morning.

4. I caught the charges
Last night I was trying to buy Mike's Father's Day gift on line.  When I buy anything on line I go to my credit card page to see if I can earn extra miles.  So glad I did that because I noticed a bazillion charges.  They were all for $0 but it was really strange.  Glad I caught it but super sad I have to get everything changed to a new CC.

5.  Ibuprofen
I have had headaches recently.  Lots of them.  I think it is from stress, weather changes and grinding my teeth.  Super grateful for ibuprofen to mask the pain. 

Sunday, May 19, 2019


1. Successful Race
We lost our power on Friday and did the next morning.  I slept only 1 or 2 hours.  It was a bit miserable BUT no one complained and per usual the sunshine and energy kept me going.  The best part is the comradery at the beer garden following the run.  This year BOTH my parents attended and stayed.  My mom even walked.  It was sort of amazing.  If I am being transparent I had no faith that she would be able to even walk down the hill.  Her hard work really paid off and I am glad that she accomplished the goal.  Also - lesson learned - always have faith in other people.  I give encouragement and support to everyone else.  Pill swallowed. 

2.  Lunch at school
This week I had to drop off a project that was too big for the bus so I decided to drop it off during lunch time and surprise the kids at school.  Side note: Looking at this picture I am reminded that they need haircuts.  I love spending this time with them.  There are no distractions.  They just talk and talk and talk and talk.
 3. After work beers with Sarah
I am going to miss our early afternoon drinks.  This week we went out TWICE.  In the next month I am going to make sure we do this more often.

4. Cameron pitched
Cameron pitched at the beginning of the game yesterday.  He did a great job but holy moly it is so stressful to watch.  I can't imagine when the stakes get higher -- I am going to be a ball of nerves.

5. The Who
This weekend Rick and Connie came in for The Who concert.  Rick has seen the band over 20 times so he was pumped.  It was so fun to watch him.  I didn't know any of the songs but still had a great time.  It was a perfect night.  

6. The new job
This past week has been absolutely insane.  I am starting a new job with Eskenazi in a few weeks and I am pumped.  I have had many MANY tough conversations with my current leadership.  I am going to brace myself for Monday as word begins to travel throughout the providers that I am leaving.  I have been with the network for 12 years.  I love CV, I love CHNw, and I am so grateful for their support.  I am excited to make this change and I think that it will be good for me but disappointing my biggest champions has been rough.

Monday, May 13, 2019


1. Date Day
I am so grateful for freaking sunshine.  We didn't have any today but holy hell when we do it is heaven on earth for me.  Back to the topic at hand …. we had a super easy, chill date day.  I did a quick class at the gym, Mike caught up on Game of Thrones, we went to lunch at CheeseCake (thank you gift cards) and then back home for naps.  It was pretty fabulous.  Now all of the boys are at CubScouts and I am going to relax a bit more.  I will say that dinner was significantly better tonight.  The kids were the same but Mike and I were not stressed from the day or the rush...I wish every day was like that.

2. Pokemon
Mike has successfully given Jack an addiction to Pokemon.  It has created a stronger relationship between the two so that is wonderful but yeah...don't download Pokémon Go for your 4 year old unless you want to play EVERY SINGLE DAY.

3. Straws
With all the push against straws - which is completely valid and real - I still love them.  At home I try to always use my washable straws so at least that helps the environment but goodness knows I love straws.

4. YouTube
I love that YouTube has almost everything I need.  Usually I just play music or listen to motivational speakers (yes I am a nerd) but it is so freaking easy.

5.  Dork
Tonight Owen was telling a story about recess.  The kids were essentially playing flag football.  When he was describing the teams he was on the team of "dorks."  I didn't push it much but did have him clarify that is what I actually heard.  He also told me that he ASKED CAMERON TO PLAY.  what?!?!?  This means that they might actually be friends.

Sunday, May 12, 2019

May 12th

1. Mother's Day
Wow my husband really made this day wonderful for me.  I am sure he could tell that I wanted to leave the lake house ASAP (that's a story for another time) and we were back to Indy by 1045am.  He has cooked countless meals, done laundry, picked up the house, worked on projects with the boys and is now playing basketball while I continue to enjoy time in peace.  It has been pretty impressive and I am insanely grateful for his love.

2. Jack's asleep
It is 528pm as I type and Jack is already in bed and asleep.  The twins are able to play and not have to worry about their crazy brother at their feet.  I think that it's going to be an early night for us all.

3. Day off
Tomorrow Mike and I are taking PTO together.  As of right now the plan is yoga, lunch and a lot of nothing.  Sort of like a repeat of today except the kids will be in school and Mike will not feel obligated to pamper me anymore.  ....but in true fashion...he probably will.

4.  My Health
My parents have both really been struggling with their health.  It has been miserable to watch and be a part of.  I am grateful that I can jump on a treadmill and run a few miles.  I am grateful that my children are outside laughing and playing basketball.  I am so freaking grateful for my health.

5. The car is fixed
For the past week or so my car started making a strange noise so on Friday I dropped it off at Belle Tire.  I got all new brakes and rotors.  Yes - I am sure you are picturing that cost me a lot of money.  And it did.  BUT now my car isn't making that terrible noise. 

Dinner this week at Bonefish.  He actually wanted to sit by Mike which is new thing.

Evening Activities 

You can't see Cameron in this picture because he is so high in the tree.  I am sure he enjoyed every minute of the little ones watching him make the climb.

Starbucks is literally the way to almost everyone's' heart. Including Jack's teachers.  I should FOR SURE be doing this more often.

Jack's 4 year old appointment.  He took his shots like a champ and didn't shed a tear.

We had on matching colors that morning.

Melissa's new baby, Klara.  So grateful to see her AND so grateful it was not my baby.

Spent a few hours at Holliday Park last weekend. 

They still have an obsession. 

Sunday, May 5, 2019

May 5th

1. New Spot
Right now I am MAJORLY crushing on this spot.  It's calming, peaceful and surrounded by books.  Don't get me wrong - I miss the old library filled with memories from my childhood but this spot makes my heart skip a beat.

2. The library
It's made the list again and it will make many more appearances I'm sure.  Yesterday we were there for over 2 hours and it didn't get old.  There is SO MUCH for kids to do and learn.  Cameron even searched the database (I know that actually has an official book name) to find a book he was looking for.  He wrote down the number and then WENT AND FOUND IT.  What?!  Yes - I am sure my husband's mouth is wide open  that I let Cameron go search in the library by himself but I'm not going to lie - it was super rewarding to watch.  Then the boys just sat and read books while Jack and I did coding.  It was all very surreal.

 3. Work
I have been receiving a lot of positive feedback at work lately.  Don't get me wrong - I have had emails sent to our CEO in the past month and the VP over my service line....but that's par for the course.
 4. Walk to the bus stop
The weather is finally getting a bit better and we were able to walk to the bus stop.  I also had an off site meeting first thing in the morning so I had some extra time.  We did the usual shenanigans and it set the day off right.

5. Swim at the gym
This is a picture of us getting ready to leave the gym.  Jack had swim and is already in his pajamas.   The boys were able to have free play while Jack was in lessons.  They were taking awhile to get ready so SBJ was hiding in the locker.  Can you just see his excitement.  I love those smiles.

6. Business Trip
WHAT?!  I actually had a business trip last week.  It's a good thing I wrote this down because I am sure it will eventually fade from my memory.  I didn't sleep well because it was miserably hot in my room (UGH - the joy of a full blast air conditioning in the hotel was not possible) and it was eerily silent.  I looked a hot mess in the morning.  I was back the next evening for a solid baseball game that the boys WON.  Overall it was a pretty good experience.  Grateful for Mike and his ability to hold down the fort by himself.

I have some more pictures and the boys are are still asleep so I guess I will just keep going. It is 640 and immediately after I typed that last sentence Jack woke up.  He is now settled with a fruit by the foot (don't judge my terrible parenting).

6. Nash
We are lucky to have such a great dog.  I just let him out in the morning and he comes back.  He rarely barks.  RARELY.  And when he does it is only because perceived danger is around.  He is so loyal that us humans need to take a lesson.  

7. Dinner for Dani's bday
Last weekend we went to dinner for Dani's birthday.  The night was a bit too stuffy for my liking but it was great to see everyone.
 8. The wrestle
I am trying to wrestle around with this one in my head.  I think that this is the absolute truth but many times acting seems too difficult, too hard or just plain STUPID.  How do you handle those dreams?  Do you still act because it is something that you desire or want?  Or does wisdom come with age and you pursue a different dream.  See - it's a wrestle.

9. Jack loves baseball AND baseball was canceled yesterday.
So as I was typing out that Jack loved baseball I remembered what I was ACTUALLY grateful for -- it rained all day yesterday so baseball was canceled.  This is the truth.  The twin's game is rescheduled for Monday night which is so. much. better than Saturday afternoon.
I love this picture because i was squatting down to get next to him and then he just started squatting down too

He is the one with the ball in his hand.  He has a batman hoodie on so it covers his eyes and looks like a mask.  THEN his hat is propped on top.
 20.  The beauty
I have no idea what number I am on so without scrolling up I just picked number 20.  This was taken on my way to work a few weeks ago.  The sunrise was absolutely amazing.  I actually sat in my car for a few extra minutes to take in the beauty.  Glad I am up early to see these things.