Monday, May 13, 2019


1. Date Day
I am so grateful for freaking sunshine.  We didn't have any today but holy hell when we do it is heaven on earth for me.  Back to the topic at hand …. we had a super easy, chill date day.  I did a quick class at the gym, Mike caught up on Game of Thrones, we went to lunch at CheeseCake (thank you gift cards) and then back home for naps.  It was pretty fabulous.  Now all of the boys are at CubScouts and I am going to relax a bit more.  I will say that dinner was significantly better tonight.  The kids were the same but Mike and I were not stressed from the day or the rush...I wish every day was like that.

2. Pokemon
Mike has successfully given Jack an addiction to Pokemon.  It has created a stronger relationship between the two so that is wonderful but yeah...don't download Pokémon Go for your 4 year old unless you want to play EVERY SINGLE DAY.

3. Straws
With all the push against straws - which is completely valid and real - I still love them.  At home I try to always use my washable straws so at least that helps the environment but goodness knows I love straws.

4. YouTube
I love that YouTube has almost everything I need.  Usually I just play music or listen to motivational speakers (yes I am a nerd) but it is so freaking easy.

5.  Dork
Tonight Owen was telling a story about recess.  The kids were essentially playing flag football.  When he was describing the teams he was on the team of "dorks."  I didn't push it much but did have him clarify that is what I actually heard.  He also told me that he ASKED CAMERON TO PLAY.  what?!?!?  This means that they might actually be friends.

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