Sunday, April 4, 2010

Final Four

1. Ashley and John
Ashley and John bought me a ticket to Butler's Final Four game. Yes. You are reading this correctly. They bought me a ticket. I know...I couldn't believe it either. What wonderful friends. We had such a great time. Before the game everyone was out at the bars downtown. It was crazy. Someone compared it to a huge welcome week. The people who were seniors when you were a freshman where there and then when you were a senior the people who were freshman were there. It was wild. Lots of fun to get out of the house and into the world. Here are some pictures.

Our seats were pretty high as you can tell but lucky I have watched so many games that I could tell who the players were and never watched the screen...except once. I can not thank Ashley and John enough. This could not of come at a better time.

2. Butler is going to the National Championship

3. Schedules
So I have almost successfully gotten the boys on a schedule. I have a long nap time in the middle of the day and bedtime and feeding is great. Cameron is having a hard time during nap time but Owen has been sleeping for four hours. Cameron JUST fell asleep and I will have to wake him up soon to eat. (Yes--with twins you might have to wake one up.) Anyways, I love the new schedule.

4. The week ahead
I am actually really looking forward to this week. Monday night is the championship game. I had a ticket but decided to stay home with the boys since I have been working this weekend and then gone last night. Then on Wednesday night my sister is coming and I will meet Sawyer. I am so excited to meet him. YEAH!!!!

5. The Butler Way
The Butler Way demands commitment, denies selfishness, accepts reality yet seeks improvement everyday while putting the team above self.

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