Friday, April 30, 2010


1. 3 weeks
So I am sure that if you look back in the posts about three weeks I talked about Owen trying to roll all the way over. Lately Cameron has been trying to roll from his back to his belly. His arm gets stuck so he stops trying. He is so sweet. Cameron usually does everything 3 weeks after Owen.

2. The Warning
Thank you Kelly and Matt for warning me about poops. First I want to mention that pooping does NOT make me happy anymore. I think that the breast milk is making these boys poop a million times a day. Anyways, Kelly and Matt warned me about once the babies start to eat solids..their poop changes. Both boys had monster diapers when they woke up this morning. Thanks for the warning!

3. Pictures
I just got pictures developed today from Shutterfly and picked them up at Target. Most of them have been in these posts.

4. Owen is asleep
We have been doing GREAT on our schedule. Until this afternoon (when it actually mattered.) I needed to take a nap this afternoon because I work tonight. Instead Owen decided to stay awake during the entire nap time. When I finally got him into was time for Cameron to wake up. Oh well. At least he is asleep!

5. Done with the bags
I don't really know why I put this at the bottom of the list. I have been looking forward to this day for awhile now. I am finally done with the bags of frozen breast milk. They would leak and cause such a mess. Now I have just a few bottles frozen and back to straight formula.

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