Friday, January 28, 2011


1. I only have 2 babies
Yesterday I watched the twins in the morning. It wasn't hard, just exhausting. They loved playing with all of their old toys so they actually did great. But it was twice as many dirty diapers, more food to eat at lunch, and lots more activities to think of during the day.

2. Holli & Rafe
On Wednesday I took soup over to the Liechty's home. It was so nice to catch up with Holli and hold baby Rafe. Gabe was taking a nap so my boys were able to play with all of his toys and make a major mess of the toy room.

3. Crossed legs
The boys love to cross their ankles while sitting in their high chairs. This is basically the only way Owen sits. As I am typing this I am realizing that I am sitting the same way. Strange.

4. Reduced physical therapy
Cameron is being reduced to every other week!!! Therapy is great but I am THRILLED to not have the commitment every week.
5. Clean house
Don't let this title trick you. I only did a little extra last night before going to bed. What a difference it makes in the morning.
On a side note:
Here is a common occurrence at dinner. As you can tell, Cameron does not have a plate.

He threw his plate on the floor. **Luckily at the END of dinner.**

He then proceeds to look over at his plate and say, "uh oh." It is pretty funny so he must get TONS of laughs when I am not around to keep encouraging this behavior.
It usually just happens with his sippy cup or a handful of food when he is finished eating. Last night--it was the plate. Needless to say, we didn't have plates at breakfast today. is one last thing to make the list. I got new inserts for the stove. Mine are GROSS. I wish I saved one to take a picture. You would be appalled. I didn't know you could buy these new beauties for $11.99 from our friends at Home Depot. Yeah, I think that they might be my friends.....strange...I know. But anyways, I am surprised that no one (MOM) told me that I could purchase new ones. I guess it is sort of like the new dish towels. It is like I have a whole new kitchen. Yay!!

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

"IT" happened

1. Progress
So grateful for the progress on the bathroom. As you can tell there has been a lot of work already done. When my dad took the vanity out...there was no floor underneath. You could actually pour water into my crawl space! Then when Mat took the mirror down there were huge holes in the wall. We (aka Mat) started to put some color on the wall....things are getting done!!

**Oh and that is wallpaper that was located behind the old light. Excited for the changes.
2. Shelby's Party
On Saturday Shelby had a party for all of her girlfriends. It was nice to get out, meet new people, and laugh until my face hurt.
3. Play dates
I know that this is a constant on my list but I think it helps keep me sane.

4. The Lottery
I have never won the lottery but I am so grateful that this will make me rich one day (hopefully soon). So grateful. To be honest...pretty sick of working.
5. STEPS!!!
I am the proud mom of Cameron McGuire who is starting to TAKE STEPS!! I am nervous to pull my camera out because those of you who know this little man know that he would immediately stop trying to walk once a camera was brought onto the scene. Multiple times these past two days he has taken steps. He is also more willing to hold onto your hands and let you walk with him. He is a new man.
Tomorrow morning he has therapy. My guess is that he won't perform. If he knows what we want him to do.....he refuses. We shall see. But for now....SO SO SO proud.
6. Great day
This must be mentioned. Both boys did great today. They were happy, played well together, and easy to please. It was a great day.

Friday, January 21, 2011

The two hour nap

1. Bathroom choices
I think that one of the reasons my house doesn't get updated (besides the lack of funds) is that I can't seem to make a decision. It has been rough. Last night we took a trip to Home Depot and I was making choices left and right. The best part....we got 20% off our entire purchase!!! Here are some pictures of the bathroom "before." The top picture is from when the home was first purchased. My dad took down the door and the bottom picture was taken this morning. Hopefully sooner than later you will see the "after."

2. Walks
I am so grateful for the walks that I took every day this past summer. I MISS these walks.
3. Owen
This little man is a GREAT sleeper. I put him down in his crib, put his blanket on his head, and he usually immediately falls asleep. One night this week he started crying in the middle of the night. I had checked him earlier and knew his pacifier might be on the floor by this time. The crying subsided but we still decided to do a quick check. This is what we found....
Owen couldn't find his blanket (it was under his feet) so he found the bear and placed it on his head. He was back asleep. Love it.
4. Cameron
This little man LOVES to be held. He usually prefers his mom but to be honest anyone willing to hold him will do. He cries a LOT until he gets his way...which usually is just basic holding. When he isn't crying he has a huge smile on his face and he is so so sweet. He gives hugs, laughs, and loves to play with his blocks. He loves to point at what he wants and where we wants to go. He also makes this awesome noise when he is tired and gets his pacifier in his mouth. Right now he is down for a nap. It has been two hours!!! He is taking up a lot of my emotional energy right now so I wanted to document these events....hopefully it soon becomes a distant memory.
5. Touchdown
I think that the boys watch football at Greg's house. They know the word touchdown (not how to say it) but the hand symbols. It is pretty stinkin' cute.

Wednesday, January 19, 2011


1. Cameron got his first haircut
Cameron did a great job getting his first haircut. The only time he wasn't happy was when I took a comb away from him that he wanted to eat. As you can tell in this first picture his hair was super long around his ears. It was nice to spend alone time with me and the little one.

2. Quick trip
After the haircut Cameron and I took a quick trip to Walmart. It was nice to spend time with him and MUCH easier with one baby in the cart.
3. Some Guys
My parents brought pizza over last night after the boys went to bed. They helped with bedtime routine and then we enjoyed an adult dinner. Yum. Thank you!!
4. Play dates
Today and yesterday we have had play dates with the twins. It is nice to be able to sit and spend time with Tanya and the boys. Shelby also got out of bed to join the party today. Yay!
5. Cooking
I am trying to cook more fresh meals and add different things into the boys diet. This afternoon I made meatloaf in my little muffin pans. They turned out pretty good. They became more like little meatballs. Now I am making another batch to bring to Shelby's party on Saturday!

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

The Blog

1. Pictures together
I think for the next few months it will be hard to get pictures of the boys together. As you can tell in the second is hard for them to both look at the camera.

2. Vacuum cleaners
My floor has been a mess. I am happy that I can vacuum it every other day and like magic it is clean. The picture below is me cleaning up a mess that the boys created while Mat and I were making dinner. They were very quiet and this is what I found.

3. Mat is taking an airline home!!
I am happy that Mat is able to airline home instead of staying in Colorado this week. Yay! Here is a picture of Mat and Cameron playing with the dogs after nap time yesterday.

4. The weekend is over
I worked three nights this weekend. So happy to be off for awhile. I am trying to do updates to the any extra money will be put to good use.
5. Ashley's Birthday
On Saturday before work I was able to hang out with Ashley and celebrate her birthday. We ate and went duck pin bowling. I must say....I am not too great at duck pin bowling. I had a blast and look forward to seeing them again soon!

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Catching You Up

1. My new fridge
I recently got a new fridge for the garage. I was offered one a few years ago, which I sadly passed up, but with one car in the in the garage I now have the space. I have been trying to adjust the settings to see what works best. I guess I set the fridge a little too cold because everything on this shelf pictured below froze...and then exploded. My fridge now smells like Sprite. Awesome. But regardless....still grateful for the fridge in the garage. (And my dad putting in an outlet!!)

2. No more bottles
Over Christmas I asked Kara when I should stop bottles. We were still doing them in the morning and at night. She informed me that I should of stopped 2 months ago. Needless to say, that week we stopped using the bottles. They are now all off the shelves and we have many different types of sippy cups in our lives.

3. Great eaters
These boys eat almost anything and everything. I am super lucky that basically whatever I put in front of them...they eat. Thinking of and preparing meals is hard very very lucky that they are not picky yet.
4. Tub door
I had a glass door on the tub in the hallway bathroom. This room has not been touched or updated since we moved in 3 1/2 years ago. I never even changed the paint! My dad took the door off earlier this week (or maybe last) and I am finally finishing up taking the caulk off the wall. Getting excited for the bathroom face lift!
5. Clean floors
During morning nap I vacuumed the carpet and I swept the hardwood floors. I usually do this at least every other day because it gets NASTY but I have been busy this week and feeling under the weather so it was really gross this morning. Here are some pictures of the boys playing floors two days ago. Yes....cringe. It is disgusting.
**I did sweep the floors that day because we were eating snacks there on the kitchen floor....and we did lunch too. But don't worry---we used plates!

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

snow day

1. Passion
I have a child who is intense, passionate, and really wants what he wants. After we got in from the snow Cameron started one of his huge fits. Here is he throwing himself on the floor while at the same time thinking that those blocks look pretty fun. He is an intense little boy. I hope that when he is able to talk and ask for the things that he needs/wants he will calm down a tad.

2. Snow day
This afternoon I dressed the boys in full snow pants, coats, snow boots, hats, and gloves. They were so freaking cute. (The boots were extremely hard to put on and Cameron lost one of his in the first few minutes). I opened the front door and we ventured outside. The boys loved it. They crawled a few steps with me close behind. Things took a turn all at once. They did a quick split and both fell down the step, face first into the snow. Mat was getting out the sled so I did not have a picture of this drama but needless to say it made our experience a little shorter. We recovered and we got into the sled. Mat pulled us around the house a few times and down the driveway. The boys stopped crying and actually enjoyed themselves. We were only out for a few minutes...less than 10....but it was great. Maybe I will try again the next time it snows....just try not to let them fall in the first minute!

3. Dinner at my parents
I am about to head over there now.
4. Clean teeth
This morning I got my teeth cleaned.
5. Nap time
This one doesn't really need any extra explaining.

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

short and sweet

1. Dinner with Amy and Patrick
Yesterday evening we had a great dinner with Amy and Patrick. Not only did she give me great decorating tips but we had tons of laughs, and too much wine. LOTS of fun.

2. A new blog
Amy shared a new blog to help inspire me with my home. I wanted to share it because I think Erin would like to too. Enjoy!

3. Snow
I am grateful that I will be able to throw the boys in snowsuits this wee and see how they might like the snow.

4. Car wash
I finally got my car washed a few days ago. LONG overdue. I am so happy that the boys came with me because they had no idea what was going on. I took these pictures with my phone. They look terrified and confused.

5. 13 hours
The boys slept for 13 hours last night. Lucky, lucky me.

Thursday, January 6, 2011

The Basics

1. Shower
I set my alarm this morning so I could get up, take a shower, and not feel rushed this morning. We have a play date at our house and I NEEDED a shower. Trust me.

2. Clean Toilets
After cleaning the toilets yesterday I decided that I might need a second New Years clean my house. I don't think that it is quite as bad to be compared to living in a fraternity house...but the entire thing needs to have a little bit more attention.

3. Light bulbs
Not only I am grateful to have light in my home...but yesterday I changed two light bulbs that have been out for MONTHS. Months.

4. Playtime
The new thing at our house is dedicated playtime after dinner. After the dishes and baths we have playtime until bed. I tried to do stories after play but the boys just kept playing while I read and showed pictures. Now don't be confused...the boys play all day but not only do I spend time in the toy room but I will be trying to get other things done like laundry, changing light bulbs, and cleaning toilets. This new, before bed playtime has no adult interruptions. I think that their favorite activity so far is "chase."

5. Size 5
Yesterday the boys started wearing size 5 shoes. I put away the blue Target shoes that were starting to get pretty worn down. (Yes...they only had one pair of shoes.) I am hoping these new kicks last until size six!

I have been trying to upload a video onto the blog. It still isn't working. I decided to do this quick post, add pictures, and keep trying.

The fight over the car is a normal, everyday activity. I even brought in a second car from the garage to help alleviate some of the turmoil. Didn't help.

I think that it is so sweet that Cameron sleeps face down, on his hands. Many times he will wake up with a huge hand print on his face and it looks like someone slapped him.

This picture was taken yesterday afternoon. FILTHY!!! I have no idea how he gets himself so disgusting but this is why we have so many stains.

The little plastic balls are in the top three of favorite toys. They just carry them around....or bang. Either way...they LOVE the plastic balls.