Thursday, January 6, 2011

The Basics

1. Shower
I set my alarm this morning so I could get up, take a shower, and not feel rushed this morning. We have a play date at our house and I NEEDED a shower. Trust me.

2. Clean Toilets
After cleaning the toilets yesterday I decided that I might need a second New Years clean my house. I don't think that it is quite as bad to be compared to living in a fraternity house...but the entire thing needs to have a little bit more attention.

3. Light bulbs
Not only I am grateful to have light in my home...but yesterday I changed two light bulbs that have been out for MONTHS. Months.

4. Playtime
The new thing at our house is dedicated playtime after dinner. After the dishes and baths we have playtime until bed. I tried to do stories after play but the boys just kept playing while I read and showed pictures. Now don't be confused...the boys play all day but not only do I spend time in the toy room but I will be trying to get other things done like laundry, changing light bulbs, and cleaning toilets. This new, before bed playtime has no adult interruptions. I think that their favorite activity so far is "chase."

5. Size 5
Yesterday the boys started wearing size 5 shoes. I put away the blue Target shoes that were starting to get pretty worn down. (Yes...they only had one pair of shoes.) I am hoping these new kicks last until size six!

I have been trying to upload a video onto the blog. It still isn't working. I decided to do this quick post, add pictures, and keep trying.

The fight over the car is a normal, everyday activity. I even brought in a second car from the garage to help alleviate some of the turmoil. Didn't help.

I think that it is so sweet that Cameron sleeps face down, on his hands. Many times he will wake up with a huge hand print on his face and it looks like someone slapped him.

This picture was taken yesterday afternoon. FILTHY!!! I have no idea how he gets himself so disgusting but this is why we have so many stains.

The little plastic balls are in the top three of favorite toys. They just carry them around....or bang. Either way...they LOVE the plastic balls.

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