Wednesday, April 11, 2012


I am going to try and be better about doing the blog.  Right now the boys are "trying" to take a nap.  Actually I guess it would be better said that I am trying to have them take a nap.  There was a major addiction to pacifiers and so I decided that last Saturday we would stop cold turkey.  It has been interesting to say the least.  The sleep schedule has been entirely thrown out of whack. Right now the boys are exhausted but can't settle down into their cribs.  I do my best to wear them out every morning and naps are now a hit or miss.  We are also waking up incredibly early.  I will be starting another large cup of coffee here shortly.  

Easter was a hit this year.  The boys REALLY enjoyed coloring the eggs and we had more than one Easter egg hunt.  They also loved all of the treats.  **Though in a few pictures down you will see that immediately on Easter morning Cameron asked me for a banana.  So while Owen was making a mess of his new found love, Peeps, Cameron sat and started his healthy morning breakfast.  Oh, don't worry, I didn't let that last long.  I made bacon and eggs for breakfast.  Needless to say, no one touched the eggs that morning!

I can't think of any new happenings except this paci business.  I have actually gained 4 lbs...yes FOUR POUNDS from emotional eating.  The stress, lack of sleep, and multiple melt downs makes me turn to the Easter candy. 

Hopefully by the next post this will all be a distant memory and the 4 lbs are GONE.