Small victories for mom.
Let me warn you. This is about to get real. I owe that to Amy. Not only does she keep me honest, she reminds me to be true to myself. And live my truth. In complete honesty, I write this blog for myself and if in case something happens to boys can look back and see how we lived our lives during this time. I know from my profession...and from basic life is short. Too short. I frequently find myself being careful of what I write to not hurt feelings or seem too insane. I am going to post a bit more freely. I know few people read this blog. So is about to get real.
This week week has been a tough week. I think that it is easily the toughest one that my 30 year old soul as experienced. I know that it is odd to say since I have been through a divorce (extremly difficult) and my children being in the NICU, and myself just going through ups and downs. This has taken the cake. Sorry...for those of you who don't know the details.....I am not going to discuss. But this is a time that I will never forget. It has hard to be a mom right now. It has been impossible to be a friend. And it is basically just a task at times to breath. Yes...I know I will continue to move forward. To heal. To live. To enjoy life.
But Cameron and Owen.....sometimes life is HARD. Very hard. We are a lucky bunch to have our health, our family, great friends, and good a life. Sometimes we are dealt a strange hand. And for the three of is one of those times.
So to my point....I had a small victory today. This afternoon I was in a valley. It was not a good one for my spirit. But around 630 the boys got into the bathtub and I felt like a good mom again. give you a bit of background. I was at work all morning. Cameron has strep throat...or something.... I slept like ass. And it is HOT out. For dinner they had one hot dog and are at this time eating snacks.
The boys FINALLY took a bath (it has been longer than I can weeks....) and they played with bubbles, shaving cream, blocks, and even cleaned my feet! I actually felt like I was doing something right. I was a good mom.
Small victory for me.
Now they are watching The Wizard of Oz. (Yes....they chose this movie and LOVE it...blame grandpa) I have coffee made for the morning and know that sleep heals. We are going to Valpo tomorrow with my mom and hopefully just more days of many more victories.
I am a real human. I hurt. I suck as a mom...many times...and I am good at times too. Today I was both. Regardless.....bathtime made me happy. It made me stop crying. It made me enjoy the laughter. The giggles. Don't get me wrong....I do enjoy the boys every single day. But sometimes being "me" gets in the way of what is going on at our house.
I don't know what will happen to our lives in three months and where we will be...but I know that we will be a team. "Team Awesome."
The boys both about to catch a football. Should I be working on this more?
Yes....M&Ms in one hand and watermelon in another...just like mom!
So grateful for my friends
He just kept playing on the potty this morning. Cameron was already outside. I told Owen, "just go outside and pee." as I walked to the sink. I turned around and this was taking place. LOVE him. And ....he never went that morning in the potty.
But another admission. He is ready. SOOOOO ready to be potty trained. Mom is not. Though at this point it would probably be pretty easy. He is so so ready!