Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Old time post

1. The first trip to the dentist is DONE.
Owen went first.  He did great.  He looked terrified but sat through the entire thing.  She even flossed his teeth.  While he was in the chair Cameron kept saying to me, "I can't do that mommy.  I not do that."  So when it came time to Cameron's turn....he was not a happy camper.  I sat and held him in my lap as he screamed during the entire cleaning.  When we saw the dentist...the same thing happened.  That is over.  Now for Cameron's trip to the eye doctor tomorrow.....

2. My garden
I love my garden boxes, my garden, and now vegetables are even starting to grow.  I guess I was a bit eager this year and planted my spaghetti squash 6" apart instead of the suggested 48"  (I would of only been able to plant one)  My oh my....I don't think any will grow.

3. Touch a truck
On Friday my mom and I took the boys to an event in Broad Ripple called, "Touch a Truck." The boys were able to climb in and out of trucks, buses, limos....the works.  It was a great event and a great morning.  Glad we were able to spend the time with grandma!

4. My kids are still alive
Right now the boys are EXHAUSTED.  They are also refusing to sleep.  We all getting a bit frustrated with the situation.  So for those of you moms out there....and dads too....maybe you can relate to the times that you are glad that you can just sit in the other room.  And not kill anyone.

5. Lifetime POOL
This is a place we have been spending a lot of time...and hope to even get there after naps (if they ever happen).  The boys are able to walk in and we can play for hours!  Every hour there is a 10 minute break.  We sit, eat snacks, and then back in the pool.