Excuse my lack of editing on these pictures. I basically just didn't feel like it. Here are three more pictures of our sweet Jack. Super happy that we went ahead and got newborn photos.
2. What?!! Such Smart Boys
Yesterday after school the boys wanted to write letters to their friends. So I spelled out the words verbally to them and they wrote the letters. It is amazing how quickly they learn. I was super impressed. Now I just need to start sounding out the words and have them try and figure out the spelling themselves. Hmmm....that sounds difficult. Haha. Regardless, I love these super smart boys.
2. Purging
We had the boys go through their costumes and toys AGAIN. We just did this around Christmas time but as I sit at home feeding all day I constantly want things OUT of the house. It is probably because I watch a lot of HGTV. Cameron was playing in his Thomas tent sometime last week and I tried to get a similar picture of one of my favorites. The one on top was from a few years ago. Yes, you read that correctly, years.
3. Breathing treatments
We have started breathing treatments again with Cameron. He has a terrible cough. I made him tag along to Jack's first appointment and Kara said his lungs were clear so breathing treatments are all we need to do! He hates them still but it isn't as bad as when we was younger. This is a picture of Cameron laying on the ground before school yesterday. He was under the weather and that always leads to a bit more tears.
4. Valentine's Day
Easy Peasy Day with Rouzer. He made me breakfast and then Rick and Connie came in town for a short 3 hour visit. We went to a new restaurant (new to us) called North End BBQ. It was great. Jack slept through the entire thing! It was peaceful and great to get out of the house. The night before I was getting extremely stir crazy and we went to dinner. It did not go as smoothly. I even found myself breast feeding on a toilet in the bathroom within the first 15 mins. It was exhausting. I will also say that Mike REALLY has his shit together. It is a blessing for our family to have him keeping us sane. Grateful.
5. Jack is laying down. Asleep.
Jack has been pretty fussy today. He is also EXTREMELY gassy. Like more gassy then his two parents combined. That is even hard to imagine. Anyways, he is finally sleeping and not in my arms. The garage door just opened and now the crazies are home. Cheers! Time for a glass of wine.
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