Thursday, February 19, 2015

weight check

1. 2 hour delay
This morning we had a 2 hour delay.  This sometimes can throw our entire day off...which it had the power to do to us today...but instead we embraced and it was WONDERFUL.  I am a morning person.  I am really my best self in the wee hours right when I wake up.  I was able to give this part of me fully to the twins.  They both eventually got into my bed and we snuggled and watched cartoons.  It was an easy peasy morning and I am so glad that we were able to have the time.

2. Pumping
Tomorrow I am getting another weight check for Jack and meeting with a lactation consultant.  He didn't gain any weight last week and then with my new routine this week my milk has started to be less.  Today since our schedule was thrown off I pumped and gave him a bottle.  It was heavenly.  At this moment I have no desire to go back.

3. Pictures
Mike has been out of town all week so I am CONSTANTLY sending him pictures of Jack.  This morning we did FaceTime with all 5 of us...6 including Nash.  Looking forward to him coming home tomorrow afternoon and seeing us in person!

4. New Couch
Today I got a new couch...well new to me.  My parents are actually getting  new couch so we got their HUGE HUGE old couch.  It's only a few years old.  The picture below I actually took one of the pieces out.  I am sitting here typing right now and I am extremely comfortable.   Now I just need to fit it into our space and make it look wonderful in here.

5. Two Weeks DONE
The first few lines of the Darius Rucker song, "It won't be like this for long," describes these past two weeks perfectly.  No sleep, lots of coffee.

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