Sunday, April 19, 2015


1. Race for the Cure
On Saturday we walked the Race.  It was beautiful out.  Mike had never done the Race for the Cure and my mom has not gone in years.  This year we tagged along with the Ya-Ya's (like always) and it was great.  We even ran into Dr. Goulet and thanked him for helping us get to where we are today.  

2. Yesterday
On Friday morning Owen was telling me a story about something that happened Monday.  He said, "Not yesterday, not yesterday, not yesterday, but yesterday..." That got us to Monday.  I think it is amazing that his little mind remembers that something happened four days previously (not three or five) and he was correct -- it did happen on Monday.  His memory for events is insane.

3. Lawns are DONE
Our neighbors are really sick so I volunteered us to cut their lawn.  I actually like mowing the lawn so it didn't feel like such a daunting task. Well their lawn is plush, full, amazing and HUGE.  Doing both of our lawns took a long time.  Glad they are done for a few days.

4. The shed is clean and organized
Saturday after the race while I mowed our lawn Mike emptied out, cleaned and then reorganized the shed.  It looks so much better.

5. One week left
That's it.  I only have four more nights of Mike on the road.  Plan A was not working for our family so we did lots of thought and moved onto plan B. This is Mike's last week with ABM.  I am thrilled.

Enjoy some snapshots of our week.  It was wild and FULL.  I even snapped a picture of the boys watching TV on Thursday evening.  We sat for a few minutes to decompress for the week.  ....then we went outside and played.  It was crazy, wonderful and exhausting.

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