1. Mike is HOME.
Friday was Mike's last day at ABM. He is officially a stay at home dad for awhile. Very excited. It will be interesting to see how we fall into place with our new rolls and new routine. I have already had to give myself some pep talks about not being worried.
So to explain the picture below -- Last night after I pumped I put the bottle into the fridge and this was the shelf. First, I pump WAY to much milk. I am continuing to try and cut back and it is clearly not working well. Second, when Mike was at the store our texting communication failed--I asked for no more than one bottle of white wine, if any at all -- he came home with four bottles of cold wine. Last, three bottles of cream. Clearly we have a love of coffee. I thought that this picture described parenthood well.
2. Menless Martini Night
We had another GREAT night last night. It is so much fun to hang out with these ladies. We laugh and laugh. Last night we played Cards against Humanity. With my family it is hilarious every time we play.
3. Max's bday party
This was the best set up for a birthday party that I have been to with children in years. We went to a gymnastics academy for the afternoon. The kids were on the floor with the teachers and the adults were up in the balcony talking with each other. Smart. I had to add a picture of his penis birthday cake.
4. Toothpaste
This week the toothpaste issue went WAY out of control. In our house the toothpaste issue is always a bit messed up. But this week there was toothpaste all over the boys bathrooms. Grateful that it is cheap. Maybe I should buy stock.
5. Breathing treatments
When the twins were little my mom bought us a breathing treatment machine. Owen has been sick the past few days so I pulled out our machine and put it to use. Grateful that we have this at our fingertips. Grateful that we have the medicine in our cabinet.
I was playing puppy with the kids at family dinner. They were doing doggy jumping jacks in order to get treats. Yes. That is for real.
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