Monday, December 14, 2015

The random things I adore...

I have been trying to figure out how to appropriately write out how I feel about this man.  I am having a hard time articulating my love for him in just a few sentences.  So this year I decided to write out 5 of the random ass things that I love about Mike 

1. He is silly
Mike is crazy.  He loves to make people laugh and he loves to play around.  He cracks stupid jokes...ALL. DAY. LONG.  Most of the time after he cracks a joke he then looks at me and says, "You don't think I am funny."  In response I say, "No--I do."  And then I give him a fake laugh.  We have this conversation almost every single day.  Not only his he silly with me he is the best with the boys.  

2.  He is easily startled
This makes me laugh to even type out but I can picture him jumping out of his skin.  If I walk around the corner into the kitchen and he wasn't expecting me--he will jump a foot.  It is hilarious.  The best is mowing the lawn....I have learned to just stand in the distance (which is also a bit creepy) and have him notice me.  He usually his still extremely startled and throws his lawn mower up in the air.  Now SBJ does the same thing.  He gets startled and then he laughs and laughs.  

3. Bed throwing and butt smacking
If Mike and I are in the bedroom together (not in that type of way--- get your head out of the gutter) he will come up next to me and throw me on the bed.  He usually just pushes me over and won't let me get up. He thinks it is hilarious and then I start laughing and can't stop.  Random I know.  

Along the same lines...Mike walks around smacking my butt a lot.  LOT.  Usually if I am walking by him in the kitchen I keep my hand over my butt and we end up doing lots of high fives that way ...or low fives.  Once we had someone over and they were impressed by our coordination.  We didn't even notice because to us it is second nature.  I usually anticipate the butt smack so I put my hand there for the block.

4.  He has a million hobbies. 
One of the little quirks about Mike is that he has a gazillion things that he wants to do and/or accomplish.  I love to watch him go from one thing to the next.  He is like a kid in a candy store who gets really really excited. .....until he sees the next thing on his list. 

5. He is so sexy
I know that most people are attracted to their spouses but holy moly I think that this man is so hot. There are many times that I find myself looking across the table from him wondering how I got so lucky. 

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